(no subject)

Sep 05, 2005 03:25

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Post your results.
1) What would hablatimmah give b_to_the_p for his/her birthday? some baby powder
2) What would lucky_numbr_9 do differently in your shoes? study more for AP Bio
3) Which president would robbobsays be likely to idolize? Hell if I know
4) What would you do if tstein13 died? Be shocked
5) One quality you find attractive in queeneugin? her laugh
6) Does datokenhooligan drink? I don't think so
7) If quik_m had a superpower, what would it be? the ability to help people
8) Is robbobsays a nerd? nope, he's smart though
9) What would you do if you found out lucky_numbr_9 has a crush on you? say hell yeah
10) When did you last call shecomesincolor? I don't think I've ever called her
11) What is hairtie22's favorite movie? I have no clue
12) Where would robbobsays most like to visit? I have no clue
13) Is shagman42688 single? yup
14) If ssspicyrr was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? Mr. Steel
15) One thing you can't stand about haideetepilini? the fact that she's all about the Harvard
16) Are inkqbus22 and yoihash married? haha, no
17) Is queeneugin in a relationship? yup, to the Don Juan
18) Where was lucky_numbr_9 born? I have no clue
19) Is scaryoldirtyd a college student? nope
20) Do shagman42688 and quik_m go to the same school? no
21) What mental disorder does kamikazitaxi remind you of? Whatever being too easy going is
22) hablatimmah's eye color? brown
23) What color should areu_listening dye their hair? nothing, hers is good
24) Do you think hairtie22 is hot? sure
25) How tall is tstein13? about 5'8 I think
26) Is tstein13 1337? umm, no
27) Is diamonds16 related to you? nope
28) Is ssspicyrr related to scaryoldirtyd? nope
29) scaryoldirtyd's hair color? red
30) Have you flirted with shecomesincolor? Umm, I dunno, more than likely
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