From the
Washington Post:
President Obama, if you look closely at his positions, is a moderate Republican of the early 1990s. And the Republican Party he’s facing has abandoned many of its best ideas in its effort to oppose him.
I'm glad to see the mainstream media finally addressing this. Obama has dragged the Democratic Party to the center (you might even say center-right) and led them in taking up many traditionally Republican policy positions. In response, the GOP has abandoned those positions and moved even further to the right - or in many cases, completely off the left-right spectrum and into the loony bin.
The best part is that Mitt Romney is currently considered the front-runner for the GOP's 2012 presidential bid. In case you're unaware, Romney is the former Republican governor of Massachusetts who implemented the health care system upon which "ObamaCare" is based. So if he wins the nomination, our choices will be a center-right Republican, and another center-right Republican. I predict the lowest voter turnout on record...
Or maybe it'll be the Year of the Third Party.