
Dec 11, 2010 23:06

I started these as a break from NaNo writing, and now I'm up to 76, plus some further on in the list...Anyway, here's #1-30.

1 (Beginnings) ST09 99

As Lt Kirk sobbed, Ensign Cho took little James out of her arms for the post-natal tests. He made no noise at the little blood stick, and no one really noticed that Winnie didn't ask for her son back, not until they landed in the Potemkin's bay. She didn't cuddle him to her, but draped him over her shoulder, holding his ankles, the other hand was taken with saluting various people and shaking hands with the welcoming personnel. The sight of such a detached mother turned many stomachs, and luckily for her, no reporters caught her doing so.

2 (Middles) ST09 181

When Winona sent Jim off to the Institute on Tarsus after the car incident, he went partway by Starfleet vessels heading that direction. Happily for him, one of his 'aunties' was 2IC of the engineering department, and Lt. Cho was head night-shift nurse. They gave him their comm codes, and Kaylee gave him an encryption key that would allow him to use Fed relays to get to them (as if he was an ensign sending reports to his superior). They were bending rules all over the place, but being banished was bad enough, at least he'd have someone to correspond with.

When his letters stopped coming, they passed on their concerns to colleagues in that sector...that was the only reason Jim was still alive when the ships came. When the nets exploded with the reports of a JT who had saved 13 kids from dying with the rest of the kill list, and 4 of whom, along with himself, were among the Tarsus 9, they kept quiet as to his identity, but the Kelvin survivors buzzed at Jim's accomplishment.

3 (Ends) ST09 193

When the shuttles from the Enterprise landed, the waiting crowd was an interesting mix of family and media. Chekov disappeared under a bevy of older sisters, all twittering away in Russian. Sulu's mother and sister, both almost a foot shorter, had pulled him down into a deep bow to get their arms around his neck. Nyota found Gaila during the trip back, and they were in the center of a large gathering of beautiful African women, likely extended family. Scotty's research group and a woman who had to be a sister all glomped him. Spock and Sarek, with the elders, were met by Sarek's Earth-based staff, to quickly get them to the embassy for proper meditation and care. Bones barely got down the exit stairs before a girl with black braided pigtails ran up, obviously the evil ex had relented (that message he'd sent seemed to help).

Jim had worried that he'd only have a hostile welcoming committee, but instead, there were 20 of the Kelvin survivors, including a Commodore and a Vice Admiral, all smiling through tears (or equivalent expressions). Maybe he did have family, even if they weren't by blood.

4 (Insides) ST09, Scotty's POV 66

His insides and her insides were linked, if she was hungry, he couldn't eat. If she was in danger or sick, he always felt as if he was about to go into cardiac arrest. It was only when she was content that he was happy and relaxed. His friends teased him about it, but he knew they realized how important his Silver Lady was to him.

5 (Outsides) Numb3rs 141

Going through school so much younger than his peers automatically put him on the outside. He couldn't drink, he couldn't have sex, he still needed more than 6 hours of sleep a night. How many college students had a bedtime, or someone who could enforce it? The answer, of course, was very few. He was young enough that even starting his first doctorate, he was in the young-scholar dorm. Being an outsider continued into adulthood; there aren't many people granted tenure approximately the same time his agemates were finishing their doctorates.

He didn't feel he fit in until he realized he had achieved the American Dream: a house with no mortgage, an attentive partner, and a child who loved to give her daddy heart attacks by trying to swim with the koi every time he looked away for a second.

6 (Hours) ST09 153

The crowd in the lobby of Cochrane Hall had been growing for hours. First it was the admiralty, then someone in HQ Main Comm leaked the loss of signals from six of the seven ships comprising the secondary fleet, leading the press to show up, including the press officer from practically every embassy or consulate in San Francisco. When the press started to get rowdy, the crew lists were released, with the cavet that there may be survivors from sealed parts of the lost ships. When it became clear that the debris field was basically all of Vulcan airspace, the press officer from the Vulcan embassy was mobbed by her fellows. Thankfully, she was the second Vulcan hybrid, a year and a half younger than her third cousin, and her only flaw was her telepathy being more like her Betazoid father's than her mother's, allowing her to do her job without being overwhelmed.

7 (Days) ST09 172

Once Chekov and Sulu had set the course for home at maximum impulse, Spock requested removal from shift rotation for two days. Kirk, realizing that he needed time to grieve, and spend time with his father, complied.

After speaking with his father for 2.34 hours, Spock retired to his quarters to meditate on the last 34 hours. Setting his internal clock to 'awake' him in 36 hours, to allow for a meal and a meeting with T'Pau before he returned to duty, he let himself fall into his mindscape, analyzing his actions, thoughts, and emotions. There was something strange about the emotions he sensed from Kirk while he choked him. Putting that aside, he set about 'cauterizing' the betrothal bond.

When he returned to the physical world, he had regained much of his calm. When he appeared in the mess, Kirk sat across from him long enough to brief him on Scotty and Chekov's calculations regarding air and water maintenance, and their request for his input, and to apologize for the insults.

8 (Weeks) ST09 117

It took the Enterprise two weeks to get back to Earth, and Bones was about to go spare, since he was on his last hypospray of pain medication and second to last cartridge of wound glue. Pike was stable, but the lack of a fully stocked infirmary had decimated his chances of walking again. Bones was practically a miracle worker, but there was only so much he could do without some of the latest nerve-regenerating drugs and stimulators, things that weren't considered a priority for responding to a distress call.

When the first shuttle landed, they were met by the fifty-odd survivors from the other six ships, who had already been retrieved, treated, and released.

9 (Months) ST09 154

It took almost two months to fix the Enterprise, especially because over half of the crew had to transfer their attention to passing their final exams before they could take part in fixing their crippled Silver Lady. Since Jim had only two classes, he got to spend his extra time signing off on enough reports that Bones had to give him a half-dose of muscle relaxant in that arm every 48 hours.

Halfway through that time, when Scotty had finally gotten his rank reinstated and his punishment repealed, Keenser and Old-Spock finally made it through isolation. They'd been picked up when the salvage and rescue ships came through, but the extreme cold hadn't benefited either being, and they came down with nasty viruses, then were intensely interviewed: Keenser about Archer's re-upping the duty times without recourse, and Old-Spock, now called Selek, explained the reason behind Nero's rampage, cementing Jim's advancement.

10 (Years) ST09 182

It had been over 90 years since that little spark in the back of his mind dimmed to an ember, when it suddenly relighted.

//Jim? I was told you died.//

::You know full well death isn't always permanent...Spock, I don't know where I am. It's cold, and I seem to be in an ice canyon created by an escape pod.::

//Just a moment, th'y'la, I need to remotely monitor a sensor array to confirm my suspicions.//

::You have hunches now? How long have I been gone? I know it has to be at least 78 years.::

//You are aware of your adventure against Soran?//

::Of course. How long has it been?::

// It has been 94 years, or back 35 years.//

::We're in some kind of parallel universe? You don't have a beard, do you?::

//No, th'y'la, but James T. Kirk and Spock cha'Sarek will start their journey together a bit early. This universe's Jim will be granted his Captain's commission in 4.3 days.//

::That would make me...25! Really?::

//That is the truth. I will send someone to retrieve you shortly.//

11 (Red) Torchwood 108

Blood was everywhere, and Jack was gasping for air. This would seem to be just another day at the office for Torchwood Cardiff, but this time, it wasn't because of the monster of the day. This time, it was a beating by some drunken fools who objected to Jack and Ianto holding hands as they walked along the waterfront. Ianto, a bloody gash on his forehead, tried to get his eyes to focus, to call PC Andy. He'd been around for one of Jack's revivals, so between the two of them, he could get the idiots taken in for and charged with attempted murder without hospitals getting involved.

12 (Orange) Torchwood 109

The iodine Jack put on Ianto's face was orange under the blueish lights of the medical bay.

“I'm so sorry, Yan.”

“How could you know there was a particularly nasty set of hooligans out and about tonight? Your intentions were good, taking me out on a date after all those evenings in.”

“True...Did you at least like the place?”

“Yeah, how'd you hear about it?”

“Would you believe me if I told you I came to Earth as a Time Agent in 2060, and it was the restaurant to go to in Cardiff. The sous chef ends up owning it. Now come on, you should be in bed.”

13 (Yellow) Torchwood 117

A week later, most of Ianto's bruises were that gross yellow they turn before disappearing. They didn't hurt, but looked awful, and kept him from going to pick up the coffee beans, as he looked like a victim of severe abuse, and he couldn't have the police realize he was that badly hurt, given what was on record.

Jack was really good about taking him out onto his rooftop vantage point at night, so he hadn't been cooped up too much. They'd also had a bunch of life-affirming sex, as soon as Jack's sensory nerves reconnected, so the week wasn't a total loss, and the Weevils had cooperated, not venturing out for the past few days.

14 (Green) Torchwood 115 The result of watching Star Trek and Torchwood on the same day.

The first time Ianto met an alien in person, it was his third day at Torchwood Three. Thankfully, he was a lost traveler, rather than a danger. He only came to their attention because he got clipped by a motorbike and started bleeding. This would normally not be a problem, but his blood was green, almost the color of cooked brussel sprouts. Once Owen patched him up, and Jack gave him directions, Ianto locked himself in the Archives for a little while and had geek-out. He'd really liked Star Trek as a child, and meeting a humanoid being with green blood and pointy ears was almost too much for his fanboy heart to take.

15 (Blue) Torchwood 132

Jack's eyes were bluer than a clear January sky, which for some reason, Ianto didn't notice until he'd been working for him for over a month. One would think that he'd have noticed when they were doing all that rolling around while catching Myfanwy, but it wasn't until another kind of rolling around started that he noticed.

In the post-coital haze, he spent almost an hour staring into Jack's eyes, and, out of the blue, so to speak, he said, “Your eyes are so blue...are they part of the whole from-the-future package, the pheromones, the eye color, the immortality?”

“The first two, yes, cross-breeding and evolution collide, but I...I wasn't born immortal. That...that came later, and I hope you never have to find out why.”

16 (Purple) Naruto 138

Her hair shone purple in the light filtering form the hallway as he stroked her bare back. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to be where he was right now. He and Bee were the only demon vessels left, he'd sealed Madera and turned the scroll over to the fire priests to be burned, and he'd been Hokage for three weeks now. The best part, though, was that this was his wedding night, Hinata had abdicated her Headship to marry him. He would have been fine with being lovers, partners, but unmarried, but she insisted. Her last act as Head was to strip the Branch House of the Caged Bird, and reinstate Neji into the Main house. Neji and Hanabi would run the clan together, and soon Tenten would be able to start training Hyuugas in weapons.

17 (Brown) ST09 249

Brown to most people would be mud, or dirt, or maybe chocolate. To Jim Kirk, it was love, or more specifically, his husband's eyes. This was no normal brown, compared to whiskey of some sort, or hinted with green, it was truly the almost-black color of deep loam, like the tomato patch on his grandparents' farm, or that really good chocolate that was 80% cocoa, just enough oils to stick it together, and some sugar. That was also associated with his love, as it was the reason they were together.

Some genius had given Spock some of said chocolate, which, as a good little Vulcan, he didn't recognize, not having tried it before. He became immensely tipsy, and Jim had to escort him to his quarters. Halfway back, Spock slammed him against a wall, mumbled something about them being epic, and kissed him passionately on the lips, twining their fingers together scandalously. After a few kisses, Spock collapsed against him, and Jim half-dragged him to the XO quarters, leaving him with a kiss on the forehead and a smile.

The next morning, Spock looked the tiniest bit bleary, but quietly asked Jim if he could speak with him. After a few awkward false starts, he got the point across that he enjoyed the interlude and he had wanted to do that for months. Jim didn't waste time quibbling, he grabbed Spock's hand and laid a kiss on the pad of his thumb, then hurried off to shift.

18 (Black) Star Trek 146 Spock!Prime being sentimental.

The darkness of space could, by turns, be desolate or magnificent, depending on on one's mood. Tonight, looking out the observation deck windows, he was in awe of its expanse. It amazed him that he had been to so many worlds, around so many of the stars he could see. The only damper on the moment was that he did not have his friends at his side. He was growing old, and he was growing romantic, so in his memories he saw one whose hair, and temper, shared a hue with the surrounding darkness. The other, the one he was ashamed of missing more, was a being of sunshine, though his hair had darkened to a muddy brown in his later years...before his untimely death. Without his conscious knowledge, his mood had become as dark as his clothing, it was far past time to meditate.

19 (White) Sherlock 146 Whether this is after TGG, or something else, not sure

The snow was never white in London, it turned a dingy grey within minutes of falling past the level of the taller buildings. In many ways, this made it better, as pure snow was painful to look at, as he'd relearned quickly when he got to the Afghanistan mountains. He'd learnt snow was painfully white (and bright) when he was very small, as by the first time he actually remembered visiting his grandmother outside of Stirling, he knew to pull his hat down and his muffler up so he peered through a small slit. Now, he had found a new definition of white, his flatmate, unconscious, in the hospital. The lights in a hospital make everyone look washed out, even when flushed, but Sherlock, who could almost be mistaken for albino, if not for his hair, looked almost blue, like skimmed milk, he was so white.

20 (Colorless) Harry Potter 165

The water in the bath should have been clear, colorless but for reflections from the tiles on the bottom. Instead, it was tinted red. He'd been found by a Prefect who decided he needed a bath in the middle of the night. The Final Battle had been a week ago, all of the victory parties had finished, and most of the funerals too. Now there would be one more, a hero's funeral, for one who could not go on now that his work was done. At least that was the general thought, until a sniffling brunette going through her best friend's things, found a worn envelope under the pillow of the abandoned bed; it contained a clipping of the Four Champions, a letter dated 24 June 1995, and a cord with a claddagh on it.

My dearest,

After its all over, meet me at our place.

If you aren't there by midnight, I'll assume you decline.


My love, my answer would have been yes.

21 (Friends) Harry Potter 246 Wow, I was bitter when I wrote this. I didn't realize at the time.

Ron and Hermione had been his friends for over six years. In that time, they had tagged along with him on his adventures, but always left him, or were left behind when the main conflict arose.

Ron and Hermione went with him past Fluffy, but he faced Quirrelmort at the mirror alone.

Hermione provided the clue, and Ron went with him into the tunnels, but Harry faced Riddle's memory alone.

Yes, Hermione was there with her time-turner to save Sirius and Buckbeak, but she cowered in the background while he cast his first corpereal Patronus under duress.

Ron abandoned him for a month, and Hermione helped him look for spells, but he braved the maze, and the cemetery alone. They weren't there to talk to him after his nightmares.

They came with him to the Department of Mysteries, but were out of the game long before he faced off with Voldemort and his dismissal to school like a baby. They were no help when he realized he truly was marked for death.

Neither of them believed him, that Draco was up to something. He was alone with the, frankly, quite senile Headmaster during the incursion.

They were there for the horocrux search, but Ron left them. He walked to his death alone. True, he didn't really want an honor guard, that would defeat the purpose, but them leaving off the snogging to give him a hug when it was all over would have been nice.

22 (Enemies) Harry Potter 285

Dudley was his oppressor, but he never really hated him. Dudley didn't even hate him, really, despite what Vernon wrought. They will never be close, but when Dudley's daughter Rosemary started levitating things, he wrote him for advice.

Draco was a child forced into adult things, he could not hate him for that. He was his mirror reflection. They still snarked at each other daily, but it was all in good fun.

Snape was the boogieman of his younger days, mostly because of Dumbledore's meddling. First impressions and initial perspective is everything, at least until you see he loved your mother with all he was, and never truly got over her death. He came to respect the older man so much he named his 'mini-me' after him. Asp was his legacy, and ended up in the house of his name.

Voldemort was the dark cloud over his life. He was the root of all his problems, yet, all he could think of was how much the 10-year-old Tom he'd seen in Albus's memory reminded him of himself the days before his own letter came. Voldemort was the enemy, but Tom was practically his twin (evil twin, but twin nonetheless).

Dumbledore didn't intend to be his enemy, but he was too much of a chessmaster to let Harry in on all his secrets, causing a number of incidents where people died 'for the greater good', or just stupidly. There could have been training. He'd found out, after the fact, that Tonks, Kingsley, and Remus had all offered to each visit one evening a week starting the middle of fifth year, to basically put him through Hit-Wizard boot camp, but Dumbledore had declined.

23 (Lovers) Harry Potter 339 it got away from me a bit, if you can't tell...

His first kiss was Charlie Watson, when he was eight, and Dudley and Piers saw them. Charlie found a teacher, but Harry ended up cornered next to the rubbish bins, causing his first large bout of accidental magic since he left Godric's Hollow (not that he knew that until much later). His first kiss with a girl was two weeks later, when Chastity Pitts was dared to. She smeared chap-stick all over his cheek.

The night before the third task, Cedric kissed him for the first time, and their next kiss was during Harry's little meltdown upon Portkeying back.

The kiss with Cho was wet, as he'd told Ron, but...he'd been crying almost as much as she had, and most of the flush everyone assumed was a blush was a slap-print. He'd made the mistake of telling her he'd gotten Cedric's last kiss.

The kiss with Ginny was about as un-mutual is you could get. He just stood there in shock. He'd never had a carnal thought about her, so he didn't know why she thought he wanted that, mistletoe or not.

Tonks snogged him as a joke, and he knew it, especially as she had her hand twined with Remus' the whole time. Remus mock-growled at him, but Harry's eyes were so wide that they both ended up chuckling.

After the war, he fell into a relationship with Ginny, from a lack of direction, mostly. They were engaged, and never went past a bit of groping, as Harry wanted to save that for their wedding night, but then...

At the ball for the second anniversary of the end of the War, Harry got a bit drunk, and ended up with Draco Malfoy in a storage closet, and literally came out of the closet when Ron and Hermione wanted to use said closet. Luckily, Luna was the only one with a camera, but his debauched face was the cover of every periodical for weeks. By the fourth-anniversary ball, Harry was glowing with pregnancy.

24 (Family) Torchwood 159

Jack hadn't had a family in over a hundred years, since the day he finally gave up on his mother forgiving him for losing Gray. He almost had, back during that time-loop with John, when he'd gotten pregnant. When they'd escaped, the doctor at the Agency's hospital had aborted the child while he was asleep, letting him wake up to the horrible cramps that were his body ejecting the whole 'mess' as they termed it. He had almost felt part of a family when he was with the Doctor and Rose. If it weren't for his little 'issue' with the Doctor being unable to look at him, he would have been content forever.

Now, his family was a young Welshman. The first time he'd kissed him, the golden mist, what he theorized was a tiny sliver of the Time Vortex, reached for this wonderful boy. He kept kissing him, as much as possible, so he wouldn't lose him.

25 (Strangers) Criminal Minds 172 Jack Hotchner's point of view

Daddy always told him to never talk to strangers, but there were all kinds of egg-ceptions, strangers he was allowed to ask questions, like policemen, and teachers, and store-clerks (if he got lost). What Daddy never told him was that his superhero league was actually policemen, sorta. That meant that when Daddy invited them over for a cook-out, he didn't know he could talk to them, so he saw the tall man with the girl hair get sadder and sadder when he didn't laugh at the 'physics magic'.

The man Daddy called Reid was almost out the gate when Daddy touched his arm, and he heard Daddy ask why he was leaving before the food was ready. Daddy made a funny face, then gently pulled Reid back into the yard.

“Jack, this is my friend, Spencer. He isn't a stranger. Besides, all my friends from work are like policemen.”

“But I thought they were your helpers, like Robin is for Batman?”

“Then you should definitely talk to them, right?”

26 (Teammates) Criminal Minds 379 another that got away from me...

My co-workers became my family over the past years. My mother is always on my mind, but they are the ones who are there for me, day-to-day.

Elle was...brittle, in ways I didn't really realize until she broke. She was what I always imagined an older sister would be.

Gideon was a father-figure, but I never let him in, William damaged that part of me too much. I was devastated when Jason left, but I also was just numb. I'm used to being left behind.

I used to think of Morgan as the embodiment of everything that hurt me in high school, until I found out his high school years were even worse than mine, in many ways. I still don't like it when he calls me 'Pretty Boy', though. I'm never sure whether to take it as teasing or a compliment.

Garcia, not many people know this, but we knew each other back at Cal Tech, I was a TA for one of her math classes, as weird as that sounds. It wasn't until recently that I found out why she left. We still laugh about how she appointed herself to 'Spencer nourishment patrol' after finding out I'd forgotten to eat for two days while writing a term paper.

Emily was the newbie, and was shoved on us by Strauss, something we all resented. She also started at the worst time, as she'd only been with us for a few weeks before Georgia. I regret snapping at her so much back then.

JJ...I'm honored by her naming me Henry's godfather. I'm not sure why Gideon misinterpreted my relationship with her so badly, but the forced interaction made us better friends.

Hotch is a great leader, and I wish he had more latitude, sometimes. In many ways, I wish he felt he could take Strauss's job, as it would give us a better oversight person, and he wouldn't have to leave Jack as much.

Rossi is difficult. He is both someone to idolize, and someone I wanted to punch in the face his first few weeks back. I guess I consider him the crotchety uncle who seems to know everything, but no one wants to listen to until the world's about to end.

27 (Parents) Harry Potter 176

Three days after the Final Battle, on the day of the Lupin funerals, Andromeda handed him Teddy and some official-looking papers.

“They wanted you to raise him if they couldn't, you're his godfather.”

He objected, but she made suggestions on how he could complete his schooling: he could stay with them and she'd tutor him, or, since there was some talk of extending the school year by 6 weeks, staying at the school in the interim.

When Ginny heard about Teddy, she was quick to make her thoughts clear. She wasn't going to put up with a child not her own in their house. Harry blew up at her, making it clear that Teddy was his first priority. Besides, was she really suggesting they start popping out the kids that soon? They hadn't even done more than kiss a few times! She stormed off, and Harry felt he was well shot of her.

“Hey, Teddy. Your Daddy is gone, but I'll be your Papa. The question is, will you have a Tad or a Mummy?”

28 (Children) Harry Potter 159

Children should be free to be children until they are not. That is the general thought by society, and one I didn't have the freedom to enjoy. I lost my parents while still a baby, and started working as my family's servant, taking a mother's responsibilities. My uncle and aunt were, in many ways, like children, while I was not: they relied on someone for food and shelter. I got the groceries, cooked, cleaned up after meals, and even planned the meals to begin with. The house was given to Petunia by my mother as a wedding present, and I keep it clean and in good repair. Dudley, despite being almost six weeks older, is still a child at 20, while I'm on my own and engaged to be married. Now, with a baby boom in force, I get a chance to play with the children who seem to be everywhere, and be what I never was, a child.

29 (Birth) Covert Affairs 127

Waking up at Rammstein was like being a newborn again. Physically, his eyelids were glued together, he could barely lift his arms, he was slimed up with lotion to keep the scars from being too bad and also not crack from the hosipital air, and, horror of horrors, he had a catheter and a liquid diet. Mentally, it was like being a little baby again. He had to rediscover how to do things without sight, explore the world anew. He must have driven the orienteering and occupational therapy people mad, with how hard he pushed himself, he knew Joan thought he was nuts. Then he became a person again, and though his duties were different, and he'd had to redesign his apartment, he was Auggie Anderson again.

30 (Death) Twilight (Rose's POV, if it's not obvious) 197

Dying is strange. Usually, one thinks of dying as a gradual process, each day bringing you closer to that state, but what can prepare you for sudden death? Yes, being in a war zone, neglecting one's health, or driving irresponsibly, predisposes one to that possibility, but what of virulent sickness, where a week stands between normal life and a coffin, or helping at a soup kitchen and getting shot as you walk through the surrounding neighborhood (this probably counts as a war zone, but still...)?

None of these were my experience. I was preparing for my wedding, and my fiance decided his last night of freedom should include joining his friends in anticipating the vows, and forcing me. I died in pain, and then, as I was dying, I just stopped. I took my revenge, but all this talk of anticipating one's sudden death, if I could actually be nauseated, I would be perpetually walking around with a hand over my mouth. I want to go up to her and smack her for wanting this, wishing for this frozen state. It is not death, it is not even deathlessness, it is...freezing, as frozen as our flesh.

30a Torchwood 137

He'd been a waiter at this restaurant throughout most of his time at uni. He'd impressed his boss with his ability to remember a whole table's orders with specifics, and many people's 'usuals'. This talent seemed to have caught someone else's attention also. A large group of office people, probably from Canary Wharf Tower, had been coming in everyday for a week. His last day working there, a week after he finished up his degree, the head lady, a Ms. Hartman, gave him her card, 'in case he wanted a job'.

He accepted not long afterwards, and was hired as an archivist. He didn't realize until he'd worked there for six months that there was something strange about the objects he cataloged. He went looking, and found the holding cells. This was the death of his innocence.

There are some which go together, in this set the groups are 1-3, 6-10, 11-13.

various fandoms

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