Finally bothered to watch the original TS video (rather than the Spirk one) for "You Belong with Me". So I, with my slashy goggles, saw ZQ in the dorky glasses he wore while his Spock eyebrows were growing out, not to mention the blue band uniforms and gold football pants. This is what resulted. It's basically straight-typed, no editing, so if it sucks...oh well.
Spock and I have lived next door to each other for basically our whole lives. We're still friends, despite the efforts of the other guys on the team. They were snarky about my cool factor getting smudged with hanging out with Spock, the band geek and super-smart guy. I'm not sure when they forgot that I share most of his classes, that I'm just about as intelligent as he is. Carol was even worse, until I made it clear that if she complained that much, I'd choose him over her every time. He's my best friend since the days we thought drawing the molecular structure of sucrose all over his mom's kitchen in cupcake frosting and berry juices was the best way to entertain ourselves (his dad had left a chemistry textbook out), she's my girlfriend of a year.
We have drawing PADDs from back during that summer our mothers sent us to art camp to get us out of their hair. We use them to show each other messages. After I hang up on Carol, he always asks if I'm alright. She's overly dramatic, but I'll live. I just...she's a cheerleader and the politics of the squad are just mindboggling, nuts. Sometimes, I'll check to see if he's asleep yet, and I see him doing air guitar, jumping in the air and everything.
There's a bus stop in front of his house, where we used to catch the school bus, until a few months ago, when Carol got her own car. Now I hang out with Spock for a while until Carol comes by to pick me up. It's weird, she's always really demonstrative then, even more than at lunch, when she wants to show off for her 'friends'.
I played tonight, and we won. I made the winning play, so I went over to Carol for a congratulatory kiss, but she was hanging off of Finn, engrossed in whatever he was saying. I stated my objection to her divided attentions, and she started yelling at me. Annoyed, I headed toward the locker room. Spock stood at the railing above the tunnel through the stands, smiling. Hoarsely, he told me I did well, after clearing his throat, he explained he had yelled too much.
As the year progressed, I started to notice more and more that Carol was controlling my time. I knew she liked to got out on the weekends, and so do I, but she started going to the frat parties on Wednesday nights, and I refused to go. I can get great grades without losing sleep, but I do need that sleep. She started to spend more time with Finn, as he was willing to go with her.
When it came time for prom, despite the fact that we were taking a break from our relationship, Carol got me to take her to prom, as I'd bought the tickets beforehand. As I was checking my tie, I saw Spock sitting on his bed. When I asked, he said he wasn't going, he had to study. It makes sense, he has an AP test on Monday, I don't have another until Tuesday afternoon. Still, the whole thing would be so much more fun if he were there. About an hour into prom, he showed up, finally wearing his contacts, and in the very sharp suit he'd bought to attend a benefit with his mother. I wanted to go talk to him, but Carol kept grabbing me. Finally, I snapped at her to go find Finn, I needed to talk to Spock for a second. With an embarrassed little smirk, Spock pulled a PADD flimsy from his jacket. I LOVE YOU. I stood, shocked, until he started shifting his feet. I pulled my comm out, where I showed him that I'd thought about texting him the same thing for the past 6 weeks.