Aug 10, 2015 09:50
So on Wednesday morning, waaaaay early, Becca gets in her car (her car! which she --mostly-- bought, with her own money!) for the drive back to Sarasota and college. Danny has been dealing with his anxiety about the trip by teaching her about cars--an extremely useful coping mechanism, if you ask me. We have been making lists, she has places to stay on each of her stops, and it should take her seven days (she wants to stop to see the Grand Canyon and White Sands National Park... and maybe the Alamo, and certainly New Orleans).
Am I anxious? You bet. She has a friend going along for the ride (she even got him a gig in Sarasota before he flies back to San Francisco) as co-driver and back up. And she's a street smart kid (and, it has to be said in this day and age, she's white, which makes her less likely to be a target in some areas of the country). But... she's also nineteen, and my kid, and you bet I'm anxious. So I'm helping her pack, which seems to be the most useful coping mechanism I have. This ransom-to-fortune thing is wearing on the innards.