This afternoon I have been making Anzac biscuits. I actually had to look up recipes, bad Australian that I am. Of course, there are a thousand ond one variations, but the basics appear to be flour, oats, brown sugar, and butter. Coconut is an essential part the recipe according to some sources and condemned as an abomination by many others. Me, I like coconut, and my mother does too, so I'm pretty sure that her Anzac biscuits are of the be-coconutted variety. Therefore...
Anzac biscuits
1 cup SR flour
1 1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup coconut
3/4 cup brown sugar
125g butter
2 tablespoons golden syrup
2 tablespoons water
Mix together dry ingredients in a large bowl. Melt butter in a smaller bowl, add the golden syrup and water, and stir the wet mixture into the dry with a wooden spoon. Put blobs of the mixture (roughly dessert-spoon-sized) onto baking trays and flatten slightly, then into a 150degree oven for 15 minutes. The timing may need to be adjusted in order to obtain my preferred anzac texture, which is chewy rather than crunchy.
Right. Time to take them out of the oven and try my luck...