Concert and party. Not in that order.

May 31, 2009 12:10

Big party last night, with lots of dancers, most of whom I hadn't seen since before we went away. It was an excellent party, although not as raucous as last year (and no swimming, since the pool heater wasn't working properly). I had my hair cut and recoloured yesterday, and had a very entertaining time watching people see me without seeing me (as they mentally processed the image as a blonde they didn't know) and then, sooner or later, realise they did in fact know me. It was a late night - we got home about 3 in the morning - but I slept in till 11, so I'm feeling okay. Which is just as well, since it's the DeChorum concert this afternoon:

Passion Fire and Fury
Melbourne’s newest choral ensemble, DeChorum, is pleased to present a concert of madrigals old and new, featuring works by Monteverdi, Janequin, Palestrina and Lauridsen.

Conducted by Trevor Jones

WHEN: 3pm | Sunday 31st May | 2009
WHERE: Memorial Hall | Melbourne High School | Forrest Hill | South Yarra
TICKETS: $25 adult | $18 concession
ENQUIRIES: 0407 830 820 |

party, singing

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