Sep 08, 2008 13:45
So here's the update you've all been waiting for!
Grad school: Went to orientation. I start on WEDNESDAY. Orientation was great and they were really welcoming. My first class will be Irish Novel. It's with my program director. She likes when people dress up for events in costumes and she hosts envelope-stuffing get togethers and writing sessions and stuff. Basically I'm really at home there. Also, my friend Sarah from work is in her last semester in the same program, so I have a buddy to help me out. I decided to take one class this semester. Getting in was last minute so I am not getting financial aid this year, and I am taking a lit course because my company won't assist with that anyway. Also, my back is still hurting. class this time, two next semester.
The neck: MRI results were normal. However there's a huge knot between my shoulder blades. Went to massage therapist. Oh. I have a deviated septum, like the mouth breather in Wonderfalls. Apparently it prevents me from breathing normally. Once the masseur helped me clear it out, I could breathe, but my sinuses are still taking revenge on me. The sinuses are seriously contributing to my head, neck, and back pain. I can't bend down to pick anything up. Here's to hoping I don't drop my wallet. For now I am watching Rick pick up laundry at home. I feel bad that I can't help. He is starting me on light exercise tonight but he is going to have to pick up all the stuff for me to help since I can't bend down. My face is also feverishly hot all of the time. No idea why. My doctors are all working together.
Work: Has been hard to get to and it sucks being here with an awful cabbage like taste in my mouth thanks to the sinuses. But hey, I am here. I am just trying to look forward to Dragon*Con 2009.
Life: Neck has made me severely depressed. I decided not to take anti-depressents. However, I think the muscle relaxers required to ease the pain so that I can get through work are causing me to be depressed. Also, I can't get up and do what I want to do...write, clean, play, work out, or even roll over in bed let alone any other bedroom activities if you know what I mean. Fortunately I have a wonderfully supportive boyfriend who listens to me cry and helps me through everything. There have been a few hang-ups here and there with that...but overall I have found the most supportive and loving person I could ask for.