Aug 08, 2007 20:22
It might surprise some drivers currently using the roads in Cornwall to know that we are able to drive at 60 mph on our main A roads and that we use them to go from one place to another. They are not just a way of passing time.
It would also help if the did not use the white line in the middle of the road as a scalextric track and if they actually knew the width of their car.
Further more anyone who drives a 'Chelsea Tractor' a shiny new Jag, Mercedes or similar gas guzzler and doesn't want to get it scratched, should stick to the Dual carriageways and not force people who know the roads to dive into the hedge while they stick a foot out from the edge of the road. Oh and a bit of practice on finding reverse gear would help too.
If you drive at 25 mph on a main road, pull over when you get 25 cars behind you, some of whom have somewhere to be at a set time.
And dont even get me started on caravans.
Trouble is I like MY friends to visit. They are usually courteous, sensible people. Unlike the morons on the roads today. I followed a car that braked as they went UPhill, went slowly on every bend, and then accellerated when it got to a straight bit even tho it is about the only 30mph bit for miles and is necessary for farm traffic and local people to cross the road. At this point the moron went at 45. cos it was straight.
It added 25 mins on to my 40 min journey, a stress I can actually do without.