Help !

Jul 05, 2010 19:47

Okay , so I already have my lip pierced on the left side of my lip . My monroe pierced on the right side . And my nose pierced on the left side . I really really want to get another piercing . But I'm not sure what . I want to be symetrical , so it'll look like at least even and I want it to look good too .
So here's what I was thinking ,

My eyebrow on the right side .
Dahlia piercing .
Or a spider bite . ( Which would be just another lip piercing on my left side beside my other one . )

I like all of those opinons and my parents are fine with all of them .
But if you have something else that you think I might like , please tell me .
I really need some different opinons and help because I just can't decide .

Here's me ..

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