thats me now
i want to get my hair back to a dark blond. my hairs been dyed semi permanent brown black. i went for about 4 sessions to a salon for them to slowly try to bleach out the black and i have some nice dark blond/caramel highlights all over my head now but are quickly growing out, i'm tired of paying 100 bucks a session so i'm going back to DIY-ing.
i bought a packet of loreal powder bleach and developer at sally's. i used to bleach my hair platinum w that stuff all the time but it would take multiple bleachings obviously (my hair is naturally dark brown). i don't really want the violet/platinum blond, just something a little more natural.
so heres the question:
how would you approach this? i was thinking of bleaching my whole head and it will probably be a nasty brassy color. and then using the new dye right after with developer. do you think that will do the trick? or do you think it will be too damaging???