Nov 30, 2007 13:10
So.... am at Court's place yet again, and am writing an entry from here... yet again. This should stop being a surprise. *shrugs*
Courtney has gone home for the weekend to see the folks and celebrate a little Christmas cheer. (Well in her family it's more along the lines of a whole shitload of cheer. *smirks*)
What has happened as of late....... hmm.
Devin came up for the weekend of the 17th, and we had a party for him. (I'm pretty sure we've had a party every weekend at Court's place this month. *shrug*) It was nice to see him... even though he got pretty drunk, which in itself is not a surprise. *smirks*
Well formal was last weekend. It was pretty cool. We all looked hot! (Yes, for once I agree with you people... but only this once.) And though Christine and I both were't feeling the greatest and left the party early with Mike, it was still a blast. We ended up watching the Boondock Saints at my place. For days after though all I can think of is, "Ma!!! Ma!!" and "No Ma, No." *snickers*
This last week has been pretty hectic. Well Christini has been sick for at least a week now. We even took her to emerg just in case she had something serious. We're pretty sure the doc she talked to was a quack, but he prescribed medication and she's feeling a little bit better. Which is good. *hugs to Christine*
The last couple weeks Christini and I have been kinda avoiding our house, mostly cause our landlord and his girlfriend have been fighting all the time. It's gotten to the point where I'm like... break up, move out and move on. Because the daily screaming matches has got to stop. I can't study, and I sure as hell can't sleep through it. Gah! So because of this we've been crashing over at Court and Mike's place on a regular basis.
Other than that it's exams. I have one on Monday on two on Tuesday, and then I'm done until class resumes in January. So I go home in a little under a week. Wow.
I'm gonna go and take a shower. *huggles*