Well That Is Certainly A Change of Events

Aug 16, 2007 20:09

This was definitely not how I planned to spend the last couple weeks before heading back up North.

Some of you may have heard this, others have not. I will admit that this is only my side of the issue, and I do not mean to malign Christine in any such way. This is only how the story has played out for me. She herself will see it differently.

Earlier this month I informed Christine that I expected her to be moved out of my room, (I had allowed her to use it for the summer months and she promised me that come September she would move into hers), and she informed me that she had made it her home and would therefore not be switching rooms. She also cited that the landlord was worried about potential damage to the house because of the movement of furniture, and that a couple weeks was not enough time to do the room switch. I replied that there were ways to stop floor damage, and if she could not move all her stuff I would be willing to help her move when I moved up, but that I expected her to honour our agreement and relinquish my room. She then replied that she would not and that I would have to take the other room, and admitted to the fact that even if I had declined her request to use the room during the summer, she was gonna take it anyway, regardless of her agreement with me.

To say that I was upset was an understatement. Christine would go so far as to say that I flipped. Which I did after I cried my eyes out. Here was one of my best friend's who admitted to lying to my face, taking my trust and faith and throwing it back in my face, just so she could save the hassle of switching rooms. I was angry, very angry, and in a rash decision I vented all my anger and frustrations in an email to her. In her reply she then went on about how I value the room more than our friendship and that I defamed her character, and she expected an apology for my rude email. She then said that she was gonna be the adult and concede and switch rooms. And then she wanted to know if I was happy now that I got my extra 4 feet of room space.

Am I happy to have my room? Yes, but it's a hollow victory. I have sent her an email to apologize for certain instances throughout our correspondence, but really, this would have been avoided if she only honoured our agreement. That was all I wanted.

She did the exact same thing that happened to us last year in 'hell house'. She broke her word at the drop of a hat with no regard for me at all. And I absolutely refuse to have a repeat of last year. I have, and still am suffering from the events of last year. And because of those events I refuse to be walked on.

Is our friendship lost? I hope not. Do we have issues to work through? Absolutely. It is my hope that we can find some common ground and work on rebuilding our friendship. We shall see.


Now that I've posted that, onto lighter things. Meeting up with Lisa tomorrow for coffee, which will be a nice change of pace. Hope to see the Bourne Ultimatum on Saturday. *crosses finger*

The only other bright light to my week that I bought Courtney her birthday present, and got a tarot card reading. And thank god I have it on tape. I can't remember a quarter of what she said, but what I do remember is that she's the real thing. There was no possible way that she could know some of the things she knew. It was funny, the first thing she did was flip three cards, look up at me and said, "you've had a real rough year haven't you? It's just one thing after another."

She went on to give me a general reading in informed me that I have a tough year ahead of me, but because of schoolwork more than anything. She's says that I know what I have to do, and I should do it and it will work out fine.

I then asked about my friendships with both Courtney and Christine, and her responses were insightful to say the least. I then asked about my dad's health and about my brothers in general.

Then my half an hour was up. I bought Court's gifts, bought myself a little pick me up, and met up with my Aunt for dinner before heading to my Grandma's for a quick chat.

Now I have to try and survive the last couple weeks of work and get all packed up for the Bay.

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