The Universe Sucks Monkey Balls

Jun 30, 2007 00:46


Life sucks. Like I didn't have enough to deal with, now I have to deal with a small claims from the landlord from hell. *seethes* I'm gonna try and settle, cause I am sick of dealing with her crap.

This rant is not meant to hurt anyone's feelings, or lay blame or attack anyone's choices, decisions or anything. This is simply my attempt at catharsis, or else I'm gonna cry.

I know that contrary to what my roommates say, they are disappointed with me and my decision and think I'm taking the easy way out. *pauses* Which I am, I admit it. But truthfully? I am sick and tired of going along with what everyone else wants. For once I'm doing what's best for myself. For once I'm gonna be selfish and do what I want to do. Too many times I've sacrificed pieces of myself in order to do the right thing, or crossed self drawn lines to appease everyone else. It's just that things have come to bite us in the ass, and a small part of me is like, 'I said this would happen, why didn't you listen to me." Or "I don't like this, I'm against this." And all I heard was, "We're a democracy, we overrule you." And sadly at the time I had no choice but to go along with it.

And finally, finally I have my chance to settle things, once and for all, and on my own, and I'm asked to wait a few days so they can get things in order? I mean I've waited a week and have heard nothing. How long am I suppose to put my life and decisions on hold?

I understand that they have to formulate a defence and all that, but it's been a week. When I contact Stacey, I'll need confirmation from her that she'll accept my offer of settlement. Cause if she says no just to fuck with me, I have to file a defence, and I only have 14 days left to do that, should the need arise.

I'm tired and burned out. Stacey has fucked with my life for the last 10 months. I want this to end, and it just seems that the closer I get, more obstacles get in my way.

To add insult upon injury.... I was volunteered to work tomorrow. Argh!

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