GAFF wank and other miscellaneous rubbish

Aug 13, 2005 00:04
Apparently, disapproving of fraud = being part of a witch hunt directed at women who wish to remain childfree.

I honestly don’t know how some GAFFers are still alive. I hope they never see a Stop sign, because given their unique comprehension skills they’d probably decide it was telling them to kill themselves. And one of the biggest wankers in this thread claims to be an English teacher. Given her fantastic ability to misinterpret posts and fly off on a tangent instead of sticking to the subject under discussion, I wouldn’t want her teaching my kids.

On a happier note, however, the Nightmare Line game has really taken off:

Work is good. For the next few weeks, I’ll be shadowing one of the other technicians, learning the various testing techniques. The people I’m working with are all lovely (so far). I know it’s early days and there will be times where I won’t want to go in, but right now I’ve very content in my job.


Tonight I drove for four hours to see my family. It wasn’t so bad - each time I crossed into another county I flicked around for local radio stations. Then around seven, all the radio stations started playing shit - so I switched to Today FM and listened to Friday Night Eighties. Excellent.

It’s good to be home and to see my family again - the human members and the furry members. Man, I missed them. Phone calls go a long way, but they’re not the same as actually seeing your family and talking to them in person.


Tomorrow I’m heading into town to buy The Sims 2 to play on my brand new PC. I’m going to remake two of the families I had on The Sims (The Scumbags and The Asses), add The Fugees and (depending on whether you can make Sims grow their own food) either the Murphys or the De Fours. It’ll be like a big massive soap opera - characters growing up, dying, leaving, new characters coming in. Hope it’s a decent game, now.



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