I will spare you all the profanities I screamed today about my co-workers, other motorists, fat waddling tourists, and other pig-featured members of the public. “Wrong Day” by The Kennedy Soundtrack sums up today perfectly.
I was going to post the lyrics here, but guess what - I can’t find the fucking lyrics anywhere online. I’ve done three searches and checked twenty sites. Bollocks.
I hope no piss-drinking assholes decide to upset any of my friends this week. I’m in just the right mood for a good row.
Oh, let’s rant, shall we?!
I am so sick and tired of the phrase “check your privilege/own your privilege”. More specifically, I’m sick of the way it’s thrown about by fucking nuts with causes. Big bitch feminist gets called on her misandry? “WUGUHGUH CHEK UR PRIVILEGE!!!” Bigoted black person gets called on hir racism? “HOOBILY BOO CHECK UR PRIFILEGE!!!” Gay author is insulted because some people don’t like slash? “NO SUCH WORD AS HETEROPHOBE OWNUR PRIFILIDGE!!!!”
I have an idea - instead of telling everyone who dares criticise you to “check their privilege”, why don’t you own your own bad behaviour? Instead of pretending to be poor put-upon crathurs, why don’t you compare your nice, comfortable lives to the poor unfortunates out in Lebanon, and check your own fucking privilege? Stand by your goddamn words instead of trying to hide behind your orientation/gender/race/political beliefs for a change. Why don’t you try that?
Check your fucking privilege. I’ll check my foot in your ass, would that suit you?
Still trying to write, but it’s not easy when OCs keep wandering into your head and telling you more about themselves. Four of them have their own theme songs now (may be straying into Sueish territory there). One of the male OCs keeps marking himself for death. The androgynous skater has recently pointed out that Slayer agility would probably be an asset to her sport. One of the student Watchers and one of the new Slayers have hooked up and are now a couple.
I still don’t know what the hell kind of fic I’d ever put these guys in. They’ll probably stay background/secondary characters if they ever make it onto paper. I’m questioning whether it’s worth developing this little gang of eight to the extent that I am, seeing as I don’t have any concrete plans for them. Oh well.