(Various Artists)

Apr 20, 2006 19:36

The sooner they show that Ricky Gervais episode of The Simpsons, the better. If I have to see him gurning at the camera, “Guhhh, me and The Simpsons, guuuuuhhh”, just one more time, something horrible is going to occur.

And speaking of annoying television things, I flipped on “Carol Vorderman’s Big Brain Game” [EDIT: or as Spider puts it, "Carol Vorderman's Big Brain Way to Make Money So She Can Buy More Tapeworm Eggs to Look Like a Skeleton"] last week. I lasted five minutes before I called her a patronising cunt, gave her the finger and switched her off. “Ooh, you solved a simple maths problem! Well done you!” Little does Miss Mensa know that while she’s patting grown men and women on the back for being able to add up the wheels on their cars, I’m imagining slashing her face with my keys.


On a lighter note, this morning’s Gift Grub featured a skit about Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes in which Gift!Tom sang a song to the tune of ‘Crazy’, thusly:

#“And if you’re like me
Four foot three
And you’re on Oprah Winfrey
She never told me not to act the clown
So I jumped up and down
Like a monkey! Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy
Does that make me crazy

Ian Dempsey said they’ll play it again tomorrow, so I’ll try and tape it.


Now that I have 30 userpics at my disposal, I must google some Giles images and (finally!) make some fannish icons.

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