Fifteen Character Meme Complete!

Apr 13, 2006 01:30


I'm guessing that everyone who's going to comment in the Fifteen Characters Meme has done so. (If not, feel free to pop over there now and add some questions.)

So, here are the results.

1. Rupert Giles (B:tVS)
2. Vector the Crocodile (Sonic Heroes)
3. Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
4. Theoden (Lord of the Rings)
5. Jessie (Pokemon)
6. Madam Foster (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)
7. Eric Cartman (South Park)
8. Kryten (Red Dwarf)
9. "Major" Kusanagi (Ghost in the Shell)
10. Captain Blackadder (Blackadder Goes Forth)
11. Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
12. Roger Jr. (Tekken 5)
13. Eowyn (Lord of the Rings)
14. Yomiko Readman (Read or Die)
15. Edina Monsoon (Absolutely Fabulous)

1, 5, 10 and 15 are on a deserted island. Who gets eaten first? (Giles, Jessie, Blackadder, Edina)
Giles would nobly volunteer to be eaten.

2 and 3 write a book together. What would it be about? (Vector, Qui-Gon)
The role of the Force in detective work.

4 and 6 are both in love with 7. How do they woo 7, and who does 7 choose? (Théoden and Madame Foster wooing Cartman)

*brain asplode*
O…okay… um… Madam Foster would bake cookies…oh Jesus…whereas Théoden would probably turn up with a pony oh God there’s nothing I can write that doesn’t make them look like elderly paedophiles luring children into their houses with promises of treats. In the end bwaaaaahhh Cartman would choose Madam Foster because of the cookies, even though she “smells like Grandma”.

2, 4, and 12 are in a chemistry class. Who blows their test tube up, and is it accidental or on purpose? (Vector, Théoden, Roger Jr.)
I’d say it’d be a combined effort from Vector and Roger Jr., but it would be accidental.

3 buys a present for 13's birthday. What is it, and does 13 like it or not? (Qui-Gon buying for Éowyn)
Qui-Gon would probably get Éowyn some kind of meditation stone to help her find her inner calm before battle. Éowyn would like that, I think.

10 wants to knife-fight with 15. What has 15 done to 10 to make 10 want to fight hir? (Blackadder vs. Edina)
Eddie’s probably bollocksed up Blackadder’s latest cunning plan to get out of the trenches.

7 buys 12 a bouquet and a box of chocolates. What does 12 do with them? (Cartman and Roger Jr.)
Roger Jr. would probably eat the flowers and leave the chocolates. At which point Cartman would mutter “Sweet” and eat the chocolates.

11 (Deanna Troi) finds a mango on the side of the road. 8 (Kryten) happens to be walking by, and tries to steal 11's mango. 6 (Madam Foster) runs out of hir house and claims that the mango belongs to hir. 14 (Yomiko Readman) jumps out of a tree and knifes the mango, and mango juice squirts all over everybody. How do the others react? (This is a very special mango, so none of that "They realized they were fighting over a mango and walked away" stuff.)
Troi and Kryten are momentarily stunned, while Madam Foster shouts, “Atta girl! That’s the spirit! Whee-hee!” and then runs back inside. Kryten and Troi then hit on the novel idea of sharing the mango.

1, 5, and 9 are walking along the road one day and find a kitten. Do they keep it or leave it? If they take it, who brings it home? (Giles, Jessie, Kusanagi)
Jessie wouldn’t care, but Giles and the Major would decide to rescue it. Either Giles or the Major would bring it home. Probably the Major.

- 3 and 12 are having a heated conversation. Will it end up in 1) them having hot sex 2) them killing each other 3) them not talking for a while 4) none of the above (make up your own)? (Qui-Gon and Roger Jr.)
I don’t think Qui-Gon is into underage transgenic boxing kangaroos, so the hot sex is out. And if Qui wasn’t such a top Jedi, I’d say that Roger Jr. would punch him through the roof. So I’ll go with option 4 - Roger Jr. comes out swinging, Qui manages to disarm him/tire him out, and Roger Jr. stomps off in a huff.

- 6 walks in on 15 and 9 who are in a very embarrassing situation. What is that embarrassing situation, and how does 6 react? (Madam Foster walking in on Edina and Kusanagi)
The situation would be something like the Major trying to give Eddie the Heimlich manoeuvre, so that when Madam Foster opens the door, it looks like they’re humping. At which point Madam Foster says, “Oh! Sorry, dearie. Guess I should’ve knocked!” before closing the door and hurrying off.

- 14 and 8 are having a secret affair. Who are they cheating on, and how will it end? (Yomiko and Kryten)
Hoo, tough one.
Okay, bear with me here. Yomiko would be in an unhappy relationship with Jessie (initially they got together because Jessie reminded Yomiko of her subtextual crush from her own universe, Miss Deep). Kryten would be busy doing chores for Blackadder, though not having sex with him as the lack of genitalia makes it tricky. However, he’d be forbidden to have any friends or any life outside serving Blackadder. In the end, Jessie finds out, goes ballistic, and starts swinging giant comedy hammers around. Blackadder simply rolls his eyes and says, “Oh God, it’s in love.”

- 11 decides that it's time for 1 to adopt a pet, so s/he unceremoniously dumps on into 1's arms. What pet is it, and how does 1 react? (Troi landing Giles with a pet)
Oh, I can hear Troi now:
“Mr. Giles, I think you’re a very lonely person.”
“…I beg your pardon?”
“Owning a pet can be a very effective way to combat loneliness. And I think this kitten would be the perfect pet for you.”
“Just try it for a few days. If it doesn’t work out, I’m sure I can find him another home.”
Grudgingly, Giles takes the kitten home. Over the next week or two, he gets fond of it, and ends up keeping it.

- Everbody knows that 2 (Vector) has a secret crush on 5 (Jessie). Only 5 is going out with 7 (Cartman (!)). Will 2 ever dare to make a move on 11(Troi), and will s/he succeed?
Vector would totally make a move on Troi - he’s chock full of cocky confidence. I have a feeling Troi would politely turn him down.

#4 (Théoden) drinks the last can of #7's (Cartman’s) favorite soda. Why is #14 (Yomiko) refusing to go out and get more? What does #7 do and to which one?
Yomiko’s not so much refusing to go and get more; she’s just really absorbed in her newest rare book and is temporarily insensible to everything else. Cartman starts to whine “But guyyys, I want my sooooddaaaaa”, getting louder and whinier until finally Théoden can’t put up with it and goes to the shops himself.

- 6 & 13 open a store together. What does the store sell and what functions do the characters fill? (Madam Foster and Éowyn)
The shop would sell tasteful souvenirs and bric-a-brac. Madam Foster would be the cooky shopkeeper, and Éowyn would be the surly assistant who gets all the heavy lifting jobs.

- 1 is the new lead-actor in a Lizzy McGuire-ish show. Who will be the actor's best male friend, best female friend, annoying little sibling and their mean, cruel, bitchy adversary? (Giles)
Giles as Lizzie McGuire. (pauses a moment to let the mental image sink in)
Blackadder would be the mean, cruel, bitchy snarky adversary. Yomiko would be Giles’ best female friend. Kryten would be Giles’ best male friend. And Kusanagi would be the annoying little sibling, in that she never shuts up about existentialism and the ever-evolving definition of life and what it means to be human.

Also it would be set in the English Literature Department of a university.

- What would 7 do with a dandelion? (Cartman)
He’d snicker and say it was gay.

- 2, 3, 5, 8 & 12 are all bamfed into Middle-Earth. Where do they end up, what happens to them and will they return home safely? (Vector, Qui-Gon, Jessie, Kryten and Roger Jr.)
Vector and Roger Jr. end up at Helm’s Deep, where they own the shit out of Orcs using their special moves.
Qui-Gon finds himself helping Gandalf to battle the Balrog.
Jessie’d do what she does best - dressing up as a man - and help out at the Pelennor Fields.
Kryten would start off at the Council of Elrond, where he would offer a better solution to the problem of destroying the One Ring, but no-one listens. This sets the pattern for the rest of the story.

At the end of the adventure, they’re abruptly bamfed back into their own world, where they discover they’ve fallen asleep watching Lord of the Rings. Again.

This was a headwreckingly fun meme. Nice one, eleventh_guard!



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