See Wulf Mock.

Jan 26, 2006 17:48

WARNING: Cruel and unfair mockery ahead.

So, I was poking around GAFF the other night, clicking on people’s usernames and looking at their posts, and I came across the “Woman marries dolphin” thread in GA News. This will be old news to some of you, but I found that thread highly entertaining.

It all kicks off when a guest (“shea”) makes a jibe related to this post here. Now, the proper way to deal with something like this is to ignore it. Unfortunately, Hellfire decides to try the old, old tactic of screeching like a christie for the next three pages in an attempt to defend herself.

“How dare you imply that simply because I fucked my dad I don’t get to condemn dolphin-fucking! I know it’s you, Leslie - you’ve had a problem with me ever since you found out I fucked my dad! You’re talking about how I fucked my dad on your LJ right now! Just because I fucked my dad doesn’t mean I’d fuck an animal! Anyway I waited until I was nineteen before I fucked my dad, so that makes it okay and he’s not a pedrophile no matter what anyone says! And my fiancé knows I fucked my dad and he’s perfectly fine with it. We met on IB but we left because it’s infested with pedrophiles. And just because I fucked my dad doesn’t mean I’ll fuck any of my kids! No, they must be adults and come to me and my fiancé, because only then can incest be the magical and wonderful thing that all the NORMS are missing! What’s TMI? Oh, if only I wasn’t such a mental deficient, maybe I could figure it out (after all, it appears often enough at GAFF). Have I mentioned yet that I FUCKED MY DAD???”

You remember this post, where Hellfire decided that since only one “Muslim” taxi driver she talked to condemned the July 7th bombings, that must mean they’re all in on it? I’m starting to think the conversations went like this:

“Muslim” taxi driver: Where to, luv?
Hellfire: I fucked my dad. What do you think of the July 7th bombings?
“Muslim” taxi driver: (stunned by “I fucked my dad” and by the fact that anyone would announce that to a complete stranger)
Hellfire: (thinks) Aha, another member of the Muslim conspiracy.

Yeah, yeah, okay, in fairness to the girl, Hellfire didn’t ask to be outed the way she was in the incest thread. And yeah, it’s unfair for people to use it as an excuse to dismiss her opinions out of hand. (I much prefer dismissing them on their own merits. ;-P) But Christ on a bike, does she have to give us chapter and verse every time the subject comes up? Hellfire, if you’re reading this, NO-ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR SEXUAL HISTORY. You want to be accepted at GAFF (because we treat each other so well)? Stop reminding us that you played hide the sausage with your old man. It really is that simple.


Am I the only one who thinks an RPG like this would be a fuckin’ screech?

Meanwhile, Cyberwulf was caught in traffic.
“Move your fat disgusting hole, arse-raping sugarcunt!” screamed the overweight 24-year-old virgin, wishing it was five-thirty so she could go home and fight with retards on the Internet. God, if only I was unemployed and sponging off the government, then I could sit on the couch and eat Taytos all day, she thought, dribbling on the steering wheel at the thought of her favourite food.

Of course, inevitably there would be some people who just wouldn’t get it:

Ian strolled down the street, ignoring the appreciative looks of a group of girls across the street. The business major and varsity wrestling champ was impeccably dressed in an Armani suit. At the age of 21, he was already a millionaire. Ian was not only wealthy, but generous too - he’d presented his buddy Nik with a fully-working replica of the Cross Punisher for his birthday last year. He spotted Cyberwulf behind the wheel of her car, stuck in traffic and looking stressed out, and decided to cheer her up.

“Hi, Wulfie,” Ian said in his suave voice.

- which would lead to snarkier players taking up the story thusly:

Cyberwulf frowned as a pasty-faced teenager wearing a Teen Titans shirt waved frantically at her.
“Hi, Wulfie!” Ian screeched, squeezing his pimples on her window before scurrying off to masturbate.

Still, at least it would be entertaining.


“My tummy-box feels broken.”



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