Dáil imitates Internet Forum

Dec 13, 2009 01:28

During the debate on the budget in the Dáil on Friday afternoon, Deputy Paul Gogarty (Green Party) lost his temper and swore at Deputy Emmet Stagg (Labour Party) who had been needling him throughout his speech.

FUN FACT: Mr. Gogarty is forty-one years old.

You can't really hear what Stagg is saying to provoke the outburst in the video below, so I looked up the transcript from the Dáil Éireann website.

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Deputy Emmet Stagg: Bleating and blather.

Deputy Paul Gogarty: I respected your sincerity and I would ask that you would respect mine.

Deputy Stagg: The Deputy does not seem very sincere from what he has been saying.

Acting Chairman: Deputy Stagg will have his opportunity in a few minutes.

Deputy Gogarty: With all due respect, in the most unparliamentary language, FUCK YOU, Deputy Stagg. Fuck you.

Acting Chairman: Hey. Excuse me, Deputy Gogarty, that is most unparliamentary language.

Deputy Róisín Shortall (Labour Party): Excuse me?

Deputy Gogarty: I apologise now for my use of unparliamentary language.

Deputy Shortall: How dare he.

Acting Chairman: Could the Deputy please withdraw that?

Deputy Gogarty: It is most unparliamentary language and I now withdraw it and apologise for it but I am outraged -

(Deputy Stagg: TROLLFACE)

Deputy Gogarty: - that someone dares question my sincerity on this issue.
I do not like what has to be done, but I will take responsibility, take it on the chin, get the unpopularity and lose my seat because it is the only thing we can do to get this country out of the state we are in.

Deputy Shortall: No it is not, it is not the only thing we can do. What rubbish. Deputy Gogarty has bought into the Fianna Fáil line on this.

Deputy Gogarty: I firmly believe that -

Acting Chairman: Deputy Shortall, Deputy Costello -

Deputy Gogarty: - I firmly believe that, and you respect my view! I didn't cause the economic mess, I didn't take money from developers, or leave the - leave - I didn't -

Deputy Shortall: Excuse me, neither did the Labour Party. How dare the Deputy accuse us of that. How dare he.

Acting Chairman (trying several times to interrupt): Please, Deputy Shortall.

Deputy Gogarty: That is the point.

Deputy Joe Costello (Labour): Do the right thing then.

Acting Chairman: Deputy Costello, please desist.

Deputy Gogarty: The point is we are screwed as a country because of the wrongdoing of others.

politics, vids

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