Phoenix Wright WIP - Atonement

Feb 03, 2009 23:18

Here's the first bit of my current fanfic. It's set in the Phoenix Wright fandom and serves as an epilogue for Godot, because he didn't get one at the end of Trials and Tribulations. HEX IF YOU'RE SKIMMING YOUR FLIST THIS IS MOSTLY FOR YOU B/C I THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY OTHER PERSON WHO PLAYS PW AROUND HERE but as usual any suggestions are gratefully ( Read more... )

phoenix wright, fanfic

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madra_liath February 6 2009, 10:47:58 UTC
I don't know if there will be a bar scene. It's more delicious if you fill it in yourself ;-) I'll probably mention Edgeworth driving Phoenix home IN HIS BIG RED SPORTSCAR OMG GIRL HIS OFFICE. Also Ema Skye is such a fangirl. I cracked up at the bit where she fantasised about Edgeworth having sofa hair.


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madra_liath February 6 2009, 14:52:50 UTC
okay I will level wit you

I had a glance at the case summaries on wiki which don't give away the ending

And I know Phoenix isn't an attorney anymore and it isn't by choice.

I think I'll put Ace Attorney on hold and start playin Apollo Justice, what do you think?


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madra_liath February 6 2009, 16:13:17 UTC
Yeah I knew bout the forged evidence and btw how bullshit is that given the crap prosecutors pull?? I don't think Phoenix would've done that knowingly either. In my fic he admits to Godot that he's been disbarred and Godot suggests he apply to the prosecutors office because he heard 'they once hired a blind coma patient who refused to give his real name'.


madra_liath February 6 2009, 21:03:20 UTC
Okay, I've finished the first case in Apollo Justice. I wanted to throttle Phoenix at times but I adored how he was loving every minute of it once Gavin was on the stand. "Let's recreate the crime scene by moving the closet over here... MY MY LOOK AT THE HUGE CONTRADICTION ALL OF A SUDDEN"

I like Apollo right now. Also why is Winston Payne still practising law, srsly


madra_liath February 7 2009, 03:24:46 UTC
okay I'm in the middle of the second case now. I see what you mean about Phoenix. He seems really un-Phoenix-like (granted, you play the trilogy through his eyes and don't really get to see him from a third person POV) and I don't like it. Now I'm worried I'll have to pretend AJ never existed and expunge the aftertaste by writing about Franziska and Godot hooking up one night


madra_liath February 6 2009, 13:42:50 UTC
Don't spoil it for me! I haven't started it yet. All I know is why you don't play as Phoenix any more.


madra_liath February 6 2009, 21:06:07 UTC
I'm loving your new icon! I need a Diego or Godot one. Or a Mia/Diego one (their love is so tragic :'( ).

Diego is half in love with himself y/n

also I love how he stands with his shoulders right back like he's afraid he'll fall over because his balls are so huge


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madra_liath February 8 2009, 01:11:13 UTC
Diego/Godot would be good in bed but he'd be so fucking satisfied with himself afterwards you'd have to punch him


madra_liath February 6 2009, 21:15:25 UTC
Will the bar scene be slightly sexy? ;)

I'm very very tempted to write a fanfic featuring Phoenix/Edgeworth/Maya/Franziska/Godot in a big drunken cuddlepile


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