Mar 13, 2008 13:29

I have the next week or so off work, which I will be spending in my parents' house. I'm gonna relax, unwind, write, draw. However! I will be away from my scanner and my own PC, which means you won't see any results till I get back (sorry, people waiting on that anti_fem picture - it's gonna take a little longer). On the upside, since the folks switched to Vodafone their broadband's been running smoothly, so I'll be around on msn to bore the shit out of all of you well into the wee hours ;-)


In the meantime, here's a meme stolen from dracothelizard:

I have made a list of 10 characters that I shall keep secret for the moment.

You suggest scenes or meetings or conversations or whatever (more than just a one-word prompt, though, please) between two (or more) of the characters and I'll try to write it.

The suggestions can be as detailed as you like, from '1 is directing Romeo and Juliet with 2 and 3 as the leads, with 4 as the jealous prima donna who wants the lead instead, and 5 as the stressed props manager. How does the opening night go?' to '6 and 7 have a chance meeting in the supermarket'.


meme, fanfic

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