Jan 20, 2004 07:00
I feel... like stuff is about to happen. Like a drought is about to end. I have no idea what that means.
Maybe it's that crazy ass dream I had. It's way too much to post here, but I'll log a couple of the highlights:
Cruising on a tiny little airplane, and hijackers come out of the woodwork. One of them starts counting off passengers, starting at the back of the plane. "A... B... C..." When he gets to E, that guy gets a bullet. Then he starts over. My reaction? Before he gets up to where I'm sitting, I move forward in the plane to ask another hijacker to fish my favorite saucepan out of my luggage. I'd like to wash it, I explain. It would make me feel better, knowing that its clean. It'll make my next meal that much easier. How's that for cryptic?
Later, I'm on the back porch of my parents' house and I feel the urge to spit. So I do. A little millipede crawls out of the saliva. I keep spitting, and there are tiny, spindly little white scorpions in each glob of spit. I go to the bathroom to check my mouth in the mirror, and I can see there are more scorpions waiting to get spit out. There's also a giant wad of gum that tastes like freshly bitten juicyfruit. No matter how much of it I pull out, there's always more. No matter how many scorpions I spit, there's more of them too.
This one's gonna take some time to figure out.