Nov 07, 2003 22:41
Update my journal? Who does that anyway?
Big doin's as of late:
1. The fam. is going to Orlando for Christmas. All of y'all Florida folks gotta drop me a line, so as we may engage in random acts of Floridian debauchery. A whole different brand than the kind practiced up here..
2. I think I'm carrying a 3.8 in school right now. So that's what a gpa looks like when you're not taking a science...
3. It appears my previously lifeless journal has attracted some readership that I haven't spoken with in quite some time. Suprises never cease.
4. Good times abound in Smallbania. Still not sure as to whether I'm gonna make that other transfer, but we'll see. Regardless, a daily dose of deezenuts in the afternoon and Starbucks in the evening seem to skillfully take the place of the Bronx and kids who pee on my stuff. Whodathunkit?
5. I think I'm gonna run for town supervisor next time round in Guilderland. This past year the local repubs. ran a horrible campaign, that was at best listless. I figure if lifers in the party can't handle it, I should take a shot. Hizzoner Ben Seymour? Yeah, it has a certain ring to it.
6. I managed to smack a deer (with the jetta), last week, and it was the same day that we took collision insurance off of the car. One word: Butt.
7. I, well, got nothin' here.
Well, it's past my bedtime kids. I'll see all of y'all on the flipside.