Yes, I did do the drawing on my background. It can be found in full opacity by clicking on...
I was driven, in the loneliness of night, to feel my creative drive take over. Taken aback by lack of people to communicate at odd hours of the night (that weren't drunk and in search of debauchery), I opened a new pack of cheap laser paper and started doodling. I started feeling. I started releasing and reflecting, and wondering where on earth did my talent and drive go. Taking quick peeks at a reference magazing on digital imaging, I started this piece, gave it a rest around 3 so I could go to school, then completed it as soon as I came home from class. I haven't been more proud of a piece in a long time.
Because of this one glorious moment, lost in the night, my goals and my dreams and my drive, again, in thanks to summer classes almost over, are rushing over me. You cannot comprehend the beauty I see in everything, the anticipation in knowing more is to come, if only I stop to think and dare to seek it out.
A box is broken.
Pandora is devistated.
And I shall embark on greatness for the world over.
Join me.