
Nov 06, 2003 18:26

Death Cab For Cutie ||
Current Mood: contemplative
Subject: .03
Security: private
Time: 09:51 am

and i'm curious as to how i can capture them like i do. i don't know what to feel about steven... i really don't know... it's just that he's in NY, 28. i'm in WA, 20. i might be going to japan. and every part of me is telling me to not go through it again. but its so amazing that he was all like "yeah i was wondering if i should fall for you or not" and i'm thinking to myself can you really control who you fall for? can't you just admire people from afar and go from there? or does one have to take it all the way from the very beginning? and if the last point is the case, then most of the world is screwed. instant gratification and society's message of bachelor life being taboo or something like that is just... it's not right. it shouldn't be like that. why do we have to be "tied" to another? why is commitment so important right now when most of the people today don't really know who they are?! it's annoying me off my toosh. therefore i am happy to be friends [[with benefits?]] with isaac. nothing more, nothing less. that's all there is to it. and i hope and pray that japan takes me away. i hope and pray that i'll find my own happiness in something new and something far away from what i have grown with... *sigh*
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