Mar 02, 2007 22:53


So, today I went to see Zodiac.

First movie I have seen in a long time. A very long time, actually.

...........It might not have been the movie I wanted to break my non-movie-going streak. It was quite long and very drawn out. Not to say that it wasn't good, I wouldn't DISCOURAGE anyone to see it but unless your REALLY into the murder mystery type movie I don't know if you'd like it. There are also OTHER reasons you may not want to see it. I don't want to say too much because then I would be ruining the movie for you if you were planning on seeing it. I give it about a C+

MOLTO MANIPULATION --is all I have left to say about that. Don't believe everything you see in that movie. CEREAL.


I went out to dinner with Jehnna-- and there was a giant BEE walking around handing out balloons to children. WELL, I made the huge mistake of waving at it when we came in. I felt bad, you know, for whomever had to where that horrific suit. HORRID HORRID MISTAKE. It then became a stalker bee. It kept following us around the place, it even waved at me a couple of times. 'Twas creepy to say the least. But after I thought about it for awhile ... and we couldn't really tell where the bee PERSON , as in the person inside the bee costume, was actually looking because of it's gigantic BEE head and eyes. The person's eyes we could not see. SO, it could've been all in our imagination. 
But oh, well!  Makes for a fun story. 
There was also a very scary-looking woman eating quite close to us who looked very much like  famous person I think we all have, at least , heard of.  All I will say is -- Caberet.

Last thing-- prom!! AHHHHHHH!!
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