HG/SS - update 26, august 2012

Aug 26, 2012 08:53


Unquestionable Love: The Prequel » by CRMediaGal 
The beginnings of an unconventional relationship between a professor and his student are tested by war, secrets, prejudice, and perseverance. Epic novel with angst, drama, and blossoming romance. Prequel to Unquestionable Love. HBP to Post-Hogwarts era.
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 37

An Unwritten Future by Aurette 
Still struggling with the aftermath of the war, Hermione decides to leave everything behind to go find herself. She travels further than she could have ever imagined without going anywhere at all. Along the way, she discovers someone she mistakenly thought she'd known... AU, M.
Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4

The End is only the Beginning » by BellatrixLives 
*DH SPOILERS* What would have happened if Harry chose to chase Hallows, not Horcruxes? The 'boy who lived' is dead, Hermione is left to face her own mortality rate. The only thing standing between her and death is Professor Snape.
Rated: M - English - Angst - Chapters: 9

Blood and Glory by Trawler
WIP, updated to chapter 41
Summary: Unspeakable Hermione Granger has been offered the position of Professor of Ancient Runes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But events - and people - transpire to bring her painful past crashing into the present. Sequel to Dark Chest of Wonders.

Rehabilitation by brandy01
Rated: M
WIP, updated to chapter 7
Summary: Throughout her struggle to hide her addiction from the people she loves, Hermione Granger discovers that there is is more to Severus Snape than meets the eye.

Noli Umquam Oblivisci by snapefan520
Rated: M
WIP, updated to chapter 22
Summary: Hermione Granger has made a big mistake, but unfortunately for her, she has no recollection of it other than the consequences down the road. Post DH, canon except Snape survives, EWE. Rated M just to be safe.

Souls of Courage by TwilightNerd
Rated: T
WIP, updated to chapter 55
Summary: Lord Voldemort takes a sudden interest in Harry's friends, and Hermione agrees to do whatever is needed in order to ensure his safety. Snape must give her Occlumency lessons, and is later responsible for her safety.

Into His Hands by Brigh Darach
Rated: M
WIP, updated to chapter 8
Summary: The Order have given the Trio three separate assignments. Hermione is sent to Hogwarts, now under Headmaster Severus Snape, where she has no allies and holds a secret which could send the Order into chaos if revealed.

Next of Kin by ApollinaV
Rated: T
WIP, updated to chapter 6
Summary: Severus is remanded into Hermione's custody because she is his next of kin. This news startles both of them.

Yet Everything Stays the Same by astopperindeath
Rated: M
WIP, updated to chapter 13
Summary: In Spring 1980, Severus Snape hears a portion of a prophecy that will change the course of wizarding and Muggle history. The Dark Lord must choose a boy, but which? Snape is sent to discover the boy's identity, but the answers he seeks are not to be found in his world. Rated M for violence and eventual sexual situations.

The Headmasters Wife by Mrs HH
Rated: M
WIP, updated to Chapter 23
Summary: Who says all ancient magic should be feared? When Headmaster Snape finds himself thinking thoughts he shouldn't he needs to know why and once he knows will those feelings become set in stone. A funny but naughty story set post DH/war ignoring epilogue.

Knowing Nothing by niping
Rated: B
WIP, updated to chapter 5
Summary: Ten years after the Final Battle, Hermione Granger and Severus Snape are unexpectedly reunited when the latter returns to the position of Potions Master at Hogwarts. Initially feeling like strangers who know each other very well, they gradually learn more about one another. The question is, where will this knowledge take them?

A Place in the World by noodle
Rated: C
WIP, updated to chapter 17
Summary: Apart from it being an artefact of considerable antiquity, no one at the Department Of Mysteries could determine what it was. It was taken from the body of a slain Death Eater at the first fall of Voldemort and was, undeniably, of magical origin. Unable to extract its secrets, and unwilling to risk further experiments, the Unspeakables consigned it to the vaults. Or so they thought. Only one wizard may provide the answer, but he has no idea of his connection to it. SS/HG after prologue. AU following canon as much as possible.

Tortured Hearts by ButterflyGirl89
Rated: M
WIP, updated to chapter 19
Summary: Hermione's tortured by Voldemort and Snape is able to save her by using a forbidden curse that connects Hermione to him for life. Voldemort wants to use the connection as means against Harry but Hermione and Snape don't and have to work together to keep Harry safe, the whole time trying to live with their connection and the consequences it produces, including vows and a... baby?

I Haven't Forgotten » by kennedy8226 
HG/SS Hermione has an accident with her time turner in her seventh year and is sent twenty years back in time. First fanfic on the internet. Constructive criticism is gladly welcomed. Please R&R! Rated M for a reason! Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling.
Rated: M - English - Chapters: 3
Saving Severus » by Artemis Virgin Goddess 
"I believe he will pull through. It's hard to tell though, the next few hours are going to be crucial. Without you doing what you did though, Hermione, he would be dead now." Madam Pomfrey stated clearly.
Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 3
I Should Go » by lovelielove

A moment shared in the kitchens at Hogwarts during winter holidays of HBP. What will develop when Hermione and Snape share a few cups of tea?
Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 3


Two Weeks by DarkRiverTempest 
Severus and Hermione should have heeded the warnings.
Rated: T - English - Humor/Mystery - Chapters: 1

Like Taking Candy From a Professor by I M Sterling 
Minerva is meddling, and Professor Snape and Professor Granger are bonding over Chocolate. Fluffy one-shot...rated M for a reason.
Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1She Was His Student » by worrywart 
Severus should not have given into his urges. Hermione should not have given into her urges. What happens when they do? It won't be your usual Hogwarts happy ending. A re-post of a story I took down earlier this year. Several readers have asked me to re-post it. This is the original story, but I have polished things up here and there.
Rated: M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 11
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