Oct 03, 2007 01:55
Well, it's to be expected, what with all the fluffiness and play-fights and licking my fingers and nuzzling...
FIVE HOURS. And I've caved. We're keeping two kittens!
Eee, I'm such a sucker for their tiny green eyes. We've chosen two that apparently attached to us already - asleep on us as we speak. Both have white paws, one a gorgeous tabby and the other a tiny black with a white nose and mouth. Both brothers. If the tabby were a girl I would have called him Minerva, but instead in a fit of giggles we've decided to call them... Godric and Dumbledore. Chris named Godric - GOD for short! He cracks me up - having a cat called God.
The tabby is Dumbledore, and I'm especially attached to him. We've thought it thoroughly and we can afford it - and it really makes our flat seem more like a home. It makes me feel better that there are two - so if we're out for a while, they will have company. They love scrapping, it's adorable.
Yay, kitties! :D