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Dec 19, 2005 21:42

LJ Interests meme results

  1. blackadder:
    For any that don't know, it's a British comedy series. Side-splitting sarcastic humour, it's fantastic. Especially, "Life without you would be like a broken pencil. Pointless." and the infamous Stephen Fry barking, "DARLING!"
  2. endearing/stupid nicknames:
    Ahaha... this is a half in-joke. I love nicknames anyway - if you know me on messager I might have already asked if I could call you something I made up, I think it's funny and makes for creating a great fondness between friends. I love the Marauders nicknames - especially Moony, seen as it'd be sexy to use in sex (and I've read plenty of it! :D) and I would love to call my dog Padfoot when I get one, when I'm fifty.
    On the in-joke hand, my best friend has a habit of making up endearing/stupid nicknames for me in a regularity of about once a fortnight. Variations of Figg, normally. For this Christmas season, it's 'Figgpud'. I like it. :)
  3. gryffindor:
    Well, of course! My favourite house (though I can pick out aspects of all of them that I really like and can identify with) and the house I honestly believe I'd be put in. Which is nice. :)
  4. james/lily:
    Well, yes - the young, tragic love story. The one that told me early on not to be surprised if H/G came around the corner. And if anyone has doubts about it, read "Redeeming Time" (also a R/S classic) by Minx - ask me for a link, it's my joint favourite fanfic EVER, and I'm serious. Wow, re-read that so many times it's embarassing.
  5. lust:
    Heh. Well, who doesn't like it? Especially the exquisite part when the tensions builds, where the chase is still on... yum.
  6. pretty men:
    Another no-brainer! I like strong men, shaggy haired men, occasionally Aragorn-esque men - but I also love pretty men. Not too feminine, but the long-fingered slim-nosed type are wonderful.
  7. remus lupin:
    YES! A thousand times. :D Note number six. Second only to Ron, and who I love to be buggering Sirius in the fic I read - I love how he brings calm to canon scenes, how he has dignity and kindness, how reserved he is about his lycanthropy yet the underlying sense you get from him that he can be terribly mischevious and is a true Marauder to the end. *loves*
  8. sexuality:
    Mmm. The exploration of it - not as simple as denial!gayfics either (though those hit the spot) - but I love every aspect of everything about the body, the mind, the mood that makes us sexual and sensual. Plus, it's been on my mind a bit this year seen as I discovered that I'm slightly bi myself.
  9. the libertines:
    Cool British punk band that I like, sadly split up. Great songs, great lyrics, and two lead male singers that honestly tell their sad love affair through their music.
  10. wry humour:
    Heh. The type I specialise in! :D

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

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