NEW FIC: "Prelude To Sex", R/Hr, Rated R

Nov 13, 2005 21:48

Title: Prelude To Sex
Pairing: Ron/Hermione
Rating: Hard R
Warnings: Mutual masturbation, first time (in a sense)
Word count: 2069
Feedback: Is my Mr Tibbles, baby.
Summary: “What he would look like, hovering above her. How his back would arch if she gave him pleasure. What his hands would look like on her darker skin, curving around her hip. ”

A/N ( Read more... )

harry potter, smut, my fanfiction, ron/hermione

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kilted November 13 2005, 23:30:20 UTC
You would not believe how much I want this to be what happens in the book. Dear lord...
That was beautiful and wonderful and amazing. You just feel warm and pleasant and happy after reading it. It feels like a first kiss, haha...

Great work.


madoldmrsfigg November 13 2005, 23:41:00 UTC
I feel your pain. JKR would be so good at smut, it's untrue.

And thank you so much! What a lovely review. :) I really enjoyed writing, so I'm chuffed to pieces it made someone happy! :D

And I love your icon. Charlie is my favourite by far.


kilted November 13 2005, 23:47:56 UTC
Hey, I only speak the truth, haha... :)
It was seriously wonderful and that was the best way I could describe it. Still don't think I did it justice, really...

And thanks! My dear sweet green_queen made it special for me. Got to love Dom...

and um, not to shamelessly pimp myself, but I've notice a large amount Ron love in your journal. Have you seen teh_weasle?


madoldmrsfigg November 13 2005, 23:51:27 UTC
Aaah! Another drool-worthy icon! :DDDD

Aw, you're making me blush!

Yes, why indeedy I have much Ron love over here - and thanks! I'll check it out! :D


kilted November 13 2005, 23:53:51 UTC
Ah, well that one I did myself. Icon making is taking over my life... alas.

tee hee... *hugs*


madoldmrsfigg November 14 2005, 00:00:50 UTC
Aaah! And another! That scene is really rather sexy... *fans self*

*hugs back*

That journal of Ron's looks really cool, by the way. I know you weren't inspired by shoebox but I love that kind of format anyway - handwritten items are so cool. And your Ron handwriting is gorgeous and perfectly Ron!

*friends you and teh_weasle*


kilted November 14 2005, 00:08:02 UTC
Yay for friends! *friends back!*

Haha, I'm just going to keep using Ron icons on you then. Hmm... what esle to I have? How about Ron in bed? *waggles eyebrows* I made a couple batches of Ron/Rupert icons over the last week... this could go on for a while, haha...

Alas... saddly the entries aren't really hand written. I use photoshop and fonts. I would love to hand write it, but I lack a tablet or a scanner. But yeah, I adore the font I use for Ron. It was the easiest to decide on out of the lot. It just clicked. So glad you like it though!
That reminds me, I was going to do an up-date tonight. Hmm...


madoldmrsfigg November 14 2005, 00:12:50 UTC


Yeah, you got me! :D

And I feel your paint for the lacking of tablet/scanner dealio. :( I need to post my art, dammit!


kilted November 14 2005, 00:19:50 UTC
Me too! Grr...


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