Requests, come on down!

Nov 13, 2005 06:45

Right! I need to do this before I wimp out.

My hands feel like they need to be ironed after the marathon of writing I've been doing for my Super Secret Fanfic Project (teehee) this week, but I need to have a break from it for a bit. Stretch my legs, go to the toilet, have a light refreshment - if you get me.

So! I want to test myself, think on my feet sorta thing. I'm inviting anyone who reads this ('specially my lovely flist) to -
 request a HP fic from me.

Yup. Give me an idea, and I'll go to it. Be it gen, fluff or smut. Missing moment. Any character. Any pairing. Any bizarre idea you have that you would like to see explored. (I'm warning you, however - make me write Hermione with anyone other than Ron and I'll shamelessly splash a bit of unrequited R/Hr in there) Only from the HP fandom.

Can't promise how long it'll be, but at least it'll be a drabble. You may inspire a one-shot out of me, who knows. ;)

Okay! There you go - request! Request! Request! I need to flex my fingers, and I'd love all your lovely help. :D

ETA: One down: Prelude To Sex
ETA 2: And another: Cranberry Vodka
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