New art: Portrait of Hermione

Jun 27, 2005 19:24

Wow - the response I got for 'Kiss' was really overwhelming. In a good way, of course. Anyway - here's some more. Fools, fools! You've only gone and encouraged me! Mwhahaha...

Title: Portrait of Hermione
Character(s): Have a guess.
Rating: PG
Media: Pastels and ink.
Would you like constructive comments?: Yes, please. Always appreciated. Either here or at weasleyisourking @
Notes: Hm, well. This is my first attempt at using pastels for people - only done it with sketchs of dragons before, so crit would be appreciated. It was at once pleasing and frustrating to use - the hair was lovely to do, but the skin tones were so subtle that it's REALLY annoyed me how pale they've come out. Aaah well. And I am a believer of bushy-haired Hermione. And that she isn't the type to pluck her eyebrows.

I added the ink on a whim, and overall I'm quite pleased with this, simple as it is. It's rather close to the Hermione I see in my head - but I wonder, does any one else draw something, go away for a minute, then come back and get a shock? Not unpleasantly, I mean - but get struck by who they've created? I've sometimes ended up drawing people so similar to my family and friends, or at least subconsciously influenced them.

Well, yeah - here I realised half-way that I'd drawn my own mouth. Odd, eh? :)

And feedback, as always, simply feeds the fire. :D

harry potter, hermione granger, my fanart

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