As proof that the people who are really pushing the whole global warming scam are not at all interested in real world solutions but are actually intent on destroying modern civilization there's this:
SuperFreaking Out Over Climate Engineering Yet despite a variety of caveats and cautions, Levitt and Dubner have provoked a firestorm of criticism among ideological environmentalists and their fellow travelers. Why? Because the global warming debate is politicized from top to bottom. Levitt and Dubner breezily stepped into the climate science and policy debate and violated the environmentalist taboo on discussing geoengineering proposals in public.
“The primary reason there has been so little debate about geoengineering amongst climate scientists is concern that such a debate would imply an alternative to reducing the human carbon footprint,” write British climate researchers, Peter Cox, professor of climate system dynamics at the University of Exeter, and Hazel Jeffrey, head of strategic management at the U.K.’s Natural Environment Research Council in Physics World. Or, as Levitt and Dubner acknowledge in their chapter, geoengineering might be seen as “an excuse to pollute,” luring the public into climate change complacency.
(Follow linked URL for completion of article)
Which is to say that the only true solution to "global warming" is the one that does the most damage to modern civilization. All other solutions are thus
mere heresy and those advocating such low cost and readily practicable solutions are thus
in a state of apostasy before the true faith of the Religion of Global Warming.
It is a religion folks. Oh, the global warming people dress it up with as much pseudo-science as they can but, in the end, it is a religious movement just the same. And this one isn't about saving your soul. Instead, it is about the destruction of modern civilization. And considering that this would also entail the deaths of billions of human beings (ya gotta reduce that carbon footprint ya know!) it also means this "Religion of Global Warming" is, in the end, a thing of evil.
Heresy and apostasy indeed.