Arrogance In Power = Nancy Pelosi

Oct 29, 2009 10:36


This is pretty damn stunning.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D. CA), was asked about the Bush Tax Cuts.  They are soon due to expire and if allowed to do so then the taxes would resume their previously higher levels.  Speaker Pelosi was asked if this essentially amounted to a tax increase.  Her answer is stunning.

image Click to view

This woman, and all her cronies in DC, needs to go.  She can't even be honest enough to admit that the Democrats plan to raise our taxes - this, despite their election year promises not to.  No wonder then, that Congress is held in such contempt and that an increasing number of Americans view the Democrats running Congress to be completely out of touch with the rest of the nation and out of touch with reality in general.

Remember folks, this is the "change" you voted for a year ago.  How's it working out for you now?


political, hypocrisy

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