The Great Global Warming Swindle

Mar 30, 2007 12:58



Over in the UK, their Channel 4 television recently broadcast a documentary put together by Martin Durkin. Titled "The Great Global Warming Swindle" it lays bare the complete and total fabrication and lies of the whole "global warming" scare that has been plaguing us for almost two decades now. This documentary is very watchable, moves along at a good pace, and doesn't skimp on the facts while also maintaining its appeal to a wide audience.

This documentary is far more factual and less hysteria filled than Al Gore's propaganda piece. It is also the perfect antidote to the lies and venality of the whole global warming movement. But, it's also a documentary that aired on English TV.

Thanks to the miracle of the modern Web and the service of Google Video however, you to can benefit from this film - and do so while at your PC (or Mac), at your time of choosing, and you can even pause the show whenever you want. I just got through watching this, and even though I've long opposed the "global warming" fanatics and have gathered quite a bit of factual information to buttress my position, I also found this documentary to be enlightening and well worth watching. Here's the link:

Google Video: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Folks, to put it simply, the whole "man is causing global warming" argument is pure and utter bull. It's been advanced to its current hysteria level by a bunch of ideologues who've their own political axes to grind and are using "global warming" as their means to do so. They lie, they cheat, and they steal as the whole "global warming" movement has become a huge money making opportunity for them and thousands of politicians and bureaucrats the world over. It truly is a swindle and it's costing us billions of dollars a year.

If you really want to know the facts about the natural climate change we're experiencing and about this lie that's being foisted on us that us humans are the cause of it all, then watch this video.

This documentary is the _real_ "inconvenient truth" that the likes of Al Gore doesn't want you to see.


global warming, environmentalism, hidden agenda, hypocrisy, al gore, anthropogenic, lies

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