Interesting what comes out when things heat up.
Over at the Newsmax site there's this piece:
Obama, Voter Fraud & Mortgage Meltdown Basically put, it tracks Obama's involvement with one of today's more loathsome political influence groups: ACORN (
Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) and then goes on to chart the
sordid history of ACORN's actions.
To me, this is to typical of what passes for the political "Left" these days. They have an ideology and agenda which they are intent on pursuing no matter the cost to the nation and no matter whether they accomplish it in a democratic fashion or not. That is totalitarianism at its finest and it's also a hallmark of how the political Left has worked for over a hundred years now.
If you want evidence of this then look no further than how the Left came to power in Russia, in China, in Cuba, in Vietnam, and as an example from today's headlines, look at how the Left is grabbing power in Venezuela. Or look at how groups like
ELF (Earth Liberation Front) conduct themselves here in the US.
And ACORN is cut from the same cloth and run by people with the same agenda.
And Obama has been involved with ACORN and has supported its efforts since his first days in politics.
That's not good for the Democrat party.
Nor is it good for the Nation.
This one really touched a nerve for me. I have some pretty basic expectations of the political process, nothing fancy, nothing grand for I realize that politics can be rather base at times since it involves control over power and money. However, the main expectation I have for politics is that it at least plays by the rules. That is, that both sides stay within the democratic process - the process upon which this country is founded.
Competition in the political arena is great. Hard fought competition in that arena is even better as it forces each side to be at its best and be the most responsive to the public.
But that only works when both sides constrain themselves to staying within the law, to not subverting the democratic process, and not attempting to destabilize it just to gain power.
The actions of groups like ACORN and the motivations of people like Wiley, Rathke and Ayers are nothing at all related to that. Such groups and such individuals are not concerned with what's best for the nation and they are most definitely not concerned with strengthening the democratic process - let alone constraining themselves to operate within it.
Instead, they want to destroy the nation, destroy the republic, and destroy the democratic process. To that end they will break any law that gets in their way, subvert any official they can to further their aims, and, when any of that fails, they will readily turn to intimidation, bullying, and terrorism.
William Ayers is poster child for such an individual and for such a vicious totalitarian ideology.
The fact that this thug has actually been embraced by the Left in this country - and not universally damned by them - says much about the moral and ethical emptiness of the in American politics today. Ayers stands against everything which the Left purports to hold dear yet he is seen as something of a hero and his views are admonished only lightly and only because he's said them to strongly. And said them to publicly.
The voter registration fraud committed routinely by ACORN is not just something to gain more power for the Democrat party. Instead, when you look at the ideology and actions of the individuals behind it you see it's aimed well beyond the current political parties. Destabilization and subversion is its aim, not gaining political power for one faction or another - legitimately elected factions that is.
Thus, groups like ACORN and people like Ayers are aimed at destroying the country. And thus they are beyond the pale. Or at least they should be.
Instead, people like Barack Obama has grown up amidst them and has championed their cause. Even today he does this still.
And the current financial meltdown? This was brought about through deliberate political actions undertaken over many years by a succession of Democrats. The driving force behind these rests with groups like ACORN and it wasn't anything so limited as to only getting more minorities into the home ownership realm.
That's what makes their actions so despicable. That's why this sort of thing needs be exposed and hauled out for all to see.
We are now going to be paying for the hateful ideology of ACORN, Ayers, et. al. Not just paying for it politically but paying for it financially. Paying for it with a deeply weakened economy and a massive burden for the rest of us taxpayers to deal with.
And Barry Obama along with the rest of the Democrat party is willfully in the middle of it as its root cause.