well I was suppose to go to get my hair cut today but its not happening. My mom decided to take my sister kicking and screaming instead..blah I'm thinking about just doing it myself.
recently my computer went missing, well I got a new one...so happy about that but of course my scanner wont work with it!I'm hoping I'm wrong and there's a hidden slot or something maybe but probably not. I should have a new one in a few weeks though. Grandma bought us a new cpu and everything <3 to her.
I worked on some new pictures in class and found out my tablet worked at school. Some how in the back of my mind it was probably good I didn't have the computer..I've been busy has hell for the past couple of weeks. So today I'm updating journals and looking at art.hopefully I'll put up some more new stuff a little later.
Anyway I'm back this is one of my favorite pieces that I did this year and mom really likes the background so I put it up. I had a friend use his cam to take a pic of it so I could post them up <3.
peaches peaces and later days,