Title: Good Clean Fun.
Author: Shaded Mazoku.
Part: 1/1.
Disclaimer: They belong to MGM and such, not to me, and I'm merely playing in their sandbox.
Warnings: Smut!
Rating: NC-17.
Summary: An USAF Colonel, a Wraith Commander and a hot spring. Need I say more?
Character/pairing(s): Todd/John.
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis.
Words: 4551.
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With the fierce competition for the Queens' attention, letting another male that close was begging for an unpleasant injury. Even without considering that, Wraith teeth were not made for blow jobs, Wraith healing be damned.
I'd never really considered that before, but you're right. Those sharp teeth shouldn't go anywhere near someone's genitalia. *winces*
I probably spend way too much time contemplating Wraith sex. *chuckles* I suppose in a case where two Wraith who really trusted each other wanted to try oral sex, they'd figure it out somehow, but it's not a good idea.
I think he's made less explicit comments before that too, but I can't remember when.
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