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gcugreyarea May 27 2016, 02:43:48 UTC
Ну, честно сказать, сам фильм не видел, но судя по пересказу, с таким же успехом можно толковать, что хищники - это негры.

Он вспоминает, как над ним в детстве издевались ровесники, из-за того, что он- хищник.
Мужчину, над которым издеваются за то, что он мужчина, мне представить трудно.
А вот негра, над которым издеваются за то, что он негр (в детстве, то есть в Штатах шестидесятых) - легко.

И вообще, если у Лиса детская травма на эту тему, то его реакция выглядит хоть и глупой, но вполне естественной.
ЗЫ. И да, я не сразу заметил в пересказе, что это заявление было ещё и ПУБЛИЧНЫМ, то есть перед прессой. А это уже вообще трындец.


stanislav_kiev May 27 2016, 05:00:59 UTC
Ник абсолютно прав. Валить насилие на "природу" - махровый стереотип, к тому же льющий масло в огонь УЖЕ начавшейся паники.
Травоядные - не метафора меньшинств хотя бы поому, что они составляют 90% населения Зутопии. Сельская местность вовсе не населена реднеками - они не более склонны к стереотипам, чем "городские".
"И да, я не сразу заметил в пересказе, что это заявление было ещё и ПУБЛИЧНЫМ, то есть перед прессой. А это уже вообще трындец."
Бинго! Заявление Джуди провоцирует полномасштабную расовую панику в городе. В чем и состоял коварный план овцы - стать лидером на волне паники, на платформе "безопасности", "закона и порядка". Трамп в Зутопии - это именно Овца.


madmundt May 27 2016, 07:10:08 UTC
Только вот валить на природу в контексте мультфильма- вполне логично.

Вы что, серьезно? В каком месте Трамп это овца, поясните?


stanislav_kiev May 27 2016, 16:23:36 UTC
1. Seeking political power by instigating fear and hate towards an ethnic minority group.
2. Supporters yelling "go back to the jungle" to a predator from the savannah 😅. This would make Bellweather deliberate Trump caricature if the script wasn't finished long before the 2016 campaign. Nevertheless, her whole scheme is basically a Trump or second GWB campaign. Fear, smear and queers ☺
Bellweather is a right wing populist in literal sheep's skin. Lionheart is a champagne liberal - progressive establishment politician from privileged background.


madmundt May 27 2016, 16:27:24 UTC
Bellweather is a right wing populist in literal sheep's skin.

Lionheart is a champagne liberal - progressive establishment politician from privileged background.
Звучит как Трамп. Особенно последний кусок.


stanislav_kiev May 27 2016, 16:53:11 UTC
Security (law and order) is the issue of the Right. Law and order as a dog whistle for racism is right wing. Dog whistles plus populism equals Trump. Seriously, Trump supporters even complained about this.

Lionheart is an establishment guy like Trump. He supports progressive rhetoric and policies, unlike Trump. He is essentially a Democrat like Ted Kennedy, or a Canadian very moderate Conservative like our mayor John Tory. He worked on diversity initiatives and supports Pride Week but is "not sure white priviege exists".


madmundt May 27 2016, 17:06:06 UTC
Окей и что этим всем вы пытаетесь доказать?


stanislav_kiev May 27 2016, 17:09:21 UTC
Well, you asked why a Trump of the movie is Bellweather. That's what I'm trying to show.


madmundt May 27 2016, 17:14:19 UTC
Fail then. Her social behavior is nothing like Trump.


stanislav_kiev May 27 2016, 17:21:56 UTC
Agreed. Her political agenda is exactly like Trump's though.

Social behavior of Bill Clinton is s lot like Trump's, but as politicians they are almost polar opposites.


madmundt May 27 2016, 17:25:26 UTC
First of all, Trump is not a shy little woman, who is polite and non-confrontational.
Second, the sheep never says anything outright racist, sexist, or expresses a desire to bang her son.


stanislav_kiev May 27 2016, 17:38:24 UTC
Outright. She just promises protection against big bad predators (eho really did nothing wrong). Sheep is not like Trump, but her movement is a lot like Trump's. Come think of it, being privileged, Trump didn't have to create a secret group of goons to incite racial hatred. This is Charlie Manson stuff.


madmundt May 27 2016, 17:44:38 UTC
(eho really did nothing wrong)
That's kinda like saying "gun's don't kill people, so we shouldn't ban them". I said multiple times that predators are potentially dangerous, even of they are all fine people. Saying you will make protection from them is like promising to build a police department in a possibly problematic area.

Come think of it, being privileged,
Especially to be touched by fur. Such a privelege.

Trump didn't have to create a secret group of goons to incite racial hatred.
I am not really sure about that. + his family had connections with the Klan.


stanislav_kiev May 27 2016, 18:23:05 UTC
Bellweather is NOT privileged. Hence she has to resort to outright thuggery to compensate.

But you may be right: a subset of Trump groupies at rallies do start to resemble brownshirts.


madmundt May 29 2016, 18:53:39 UTC
Also, what's up with the sudden English-talk, mate?


Okay ext_3589638 May 29 2016, 08:16:09 UTC
From this point of view, we can say all left guys are potencially dangerous. You know, Salot Sar, Kim Chen Ir, Stalin and so on.
Should we ban all the lefts? You know, they are not simple tools in da hands of goons, they kinda have an own will to kill for the greater good. Or...


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