1. really excited for sjm's 2nd album~! thought that they would not go on anymore :| but sjm 2nd album! i will definitely buy the album :D
so i guess.. this is how they will look like? :|
2. sj's 4th album. was excited when i read the news at omonatheydidnt, until i remembered that hankyung's not going to be there.. and then i didn't feel so excited anymore :|
3. can't wait for oh! my lady on monday! there's only 4 more episodes left (i think).. one more day! :D
4. eric and dongwan's comeback this year! excited for dongwan's comeback~ but can't wait to listen to leader-shi's solo album! :D two more years until we can see all 6 together..
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this never gets old :D
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lol, dongwan being jealous of eric xD
exams soon. will say this here: aiming to get an A for biology. been waiting for so long.. i have to make this happen. hwaiting!