Apr 15, 2010 13:39
Part of growing old or growing up is realising that you are not Superman anymore.
When I was younger, I never had to worry about things like hairloss, sunburn, dry hands (!!), creaky knees, lack of sleep and age spots. Even if things happened physically, they would just heal themselves in a couple of days without much permanent damage done at all. Mere inconveniences. And when Mum used to ask me to take vitamins, drink birds nest etc, I used to pooh-pooh her, thinking that I didn't need all these things! Look at me, healthy!
But lately I've been feeling more and more the effects of growing older. Nowadays, I am just SOO tired out after work, many a time I would fall asleep trying to put Ellie to sleep, and wake up only at 4am, still in my work clothes and with my contact lenses still in (!!). And I feel so sleepy throughout the day.
And now when I wash my hair, I worry about the strands of hair that appear in my hand, wondering when the hair loss will overtake the hair growth and I will become bald.
And of course everyone knows my gripe with dry hands.
When I look at Ellie, springing up from a stooping position to a standing position without even needing to push down against the floor with his hands, I marvel at his perfect God-given knees. It's nice to know that one day in heaven, we will have knees like that, a full head of fluffy hair and freckle-less, spotless faces. Looking forward to my perfect body-to-be!