This is what professional satisfaction feels like. I think I like it.

Aug 09, 2012 11:03

We had an event this morning at work that I was largely responsible for planning and coordinating. This was the first iteration of a new thing we've started and I was given a lot of leeway in the preparation and design. I came in early to make sure that every thing was ready and just generally because I was nervous, and it went off well. I had been kind of worried it would feel redundant since all the information we presented is technically available online, but I got the impression that is the participants found it valuable and didn't feel like their time was wasted.

AND THEN afterwards my boss sent me an email saying that she didn't feel like she had given me enough credit for my role on our team when she introduced me and that she values the work I do and wants to be sure people know I'm making substantive contributions. She is a really awesome boss and I like it here and they like me and wibble wobble happy work yay.

AND! Today is Fajita Appreciation Lunch Day, apparently. I think they mean staff appreciation lunch with fajitas, but whatever the case, I appreciate random free fajitas.

work, randomhappy, bragging

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