Starting to wonder if I really want a phone at all

Jul 24, 2012 14:33

Would really prefer if my phone had not been stolen. Getting a new iphone looks to be near-prohibitively expensive, and like it will jack up my (already-high) phonebill by another $20 a month. Argh.

I can get some other kind of phone for still a lot of money, but it will reset my contract and the people on the phone are unwilling to be specific about what it will do to my bill.

I'm considering paying the $250 fee to get out of my contract with AT&T and buying an android and a cheap pre-paid plan.

Drinking heavily and setting things on fire are also in the option set.

I'll keep you posted.

this crazy modern world, iphone, frustrated, it's my lj and i'll bitch if i want to

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