Just tell me already

Aug 26, 2011 10:47

I was hoping there would be news this week. That didn't happen.

Feel like I have said this a thousand times, but don't feel like looking at my journal to see if that's true, so I'll recap: the contract that funds most of my company, including 100% of my department, is up at the end of September. We've bid on the new contract and are waiting to hear back.

Theoretically we'll get answers, at least some of them, before the end of the month, so less than a week now. I'm trying to be patient about it, and kind of failing. It's frustrating and it makes me feel really powerless.

I don't actually know any specifics, but it sounds like the new proposal looks very different from the old (current) setup. I suspect even if we win the rebid, it won't include the job I have now.

My guess is that there will be some kind of extension to finish up the active projects, so the actual end-work date will be closer to the end of the calendar year than the fiscal year. But, again, that could well be at reduced staff levels that don't include my position.

There's also some chance there will be another job for me with this company. I'm young, teachable, adaptable, and relatively cheap to employ. I like the company, I'd be happy to keep working for them if they have things for me to do.

I'm hearing that there's no point stressing out before you have facts, but I just don't work like that. Whatever the situation is, I'll be easier with it when it's settled.

Yes, I'm taking deep breaths and I'm stretching and I'm counting my blessings. I'm taking steps to make sure I land on my feet no matter what. I'm looking at the big picture and appreciating the potential upsides and opportunities of various outcomes. It's still stressful and tiring.

I just want to know. I don't like waiting.

work, frustrated, venting, you don't care

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