But some of them are stupid.
It is important to feel your feelings -all of them, including the unjustified and the frivolous and the selfish- and to understand them. Denial is the mother of issues. But it is also important not to give them all equal weight, unexamined and unmindful. We don't have complete control over which feelings are important, which ones stick with us and animate us and make or ruin our days. But we do have a good bit; more than we sometimes realize.
Sometimes it's productive to navel-gaze a bit; pick through feelings and reactions, figure out which ones just don't deserve the time and energy. Ideally this leads to letting go, but even when it doesn't, identifying the pointless strands and currents when you're at rest can help with letting go easier (or at least forcibly squashing) in the future. All of which, hopefully, helps with moving forward with less avoidable stupid.
So that's what I'm doing. Also considering making 'less avoidable stupid' my new motto and rallying cry.