
May 25, 2010 18:19

The commute, the prospect of doing it every day, is a little daunting.

Train is now properly AC'd to freezing in the morning. On the way home, it's the second day in a row of standing in between cars from DC until the airport, where seats open up. It's hot and I am not dressed for that either.

There's going to be a learning curve on how to make it workable. For instance, the iPhone was a good step. layers are going to be important too. It is possible I will start carrying a giant bag with a scarf for the mornings and extra shoes- I cannot imagine trying to stand like this in heels. I already know headphones go a long way towards blocking out the 'crowded' feeling, I just forgot them today.

Staying in shape is also going to be an issue. Commute adds two extra hours of sitting (well, I'm standing now...) to a standard desk job day. plus, not that I wait often, but when I do have time in the trainstation they make it very easy to buy beer and snacks for the ride. (i have a seat now, so it's no longer sweltering but a cold beer still sounds pretty appealing) It is a thing I'll have to be extra vigilant about. It is sort of an argument for sticking with derby, tho the memory of staying upright on moving vehicles with a broken rib is a fresh counter-argument.

So that is a thing. Knew it would be. I can see sunlight, so it's a world of improvement over my old commute to the EPA. It will work out. I am an adaptable creature.

iphone, commute

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