Cabin Fever. It is a thing.

Feb 10, 2010 23:08

I want very much to leave my apartment. It is getting small.

A friend sent out a general invite for people to come over to her place for spaghetti and company. I thought about walking there. It was only a couple miles away. If it wasn't still snowing I might've gone...

Tyler is wonderful. It is a testament to our compatibility that I do not want to set him on fire at all, even though we have been sharing ~500 square feet for almost 70 hours. The fact that he stocked us up on DVDs and books before the weekend probably helps. Really, he's my favorite. But not quite a substitute for, well, access to the rest of the world.

I know technically I could just go walk around. I did that a bit yesterday. But it turns out without company or anywhere to go - without a real reason to be outside, you're just hanging out in the road, trying not to fall down while getting snow in your socks for fun. That's a realization that'll make you appreciate the indoors fast.

Really, really, really wishing we had a snow shovel. I would go outside and work off some of this energy, and do the neighborhood a service.

Other things I would be immensely happy to have:
snow boots
a sled
any other game that works with two players
the boots to my snowboard (I couldn't have the normal boot-compatible bindings, could I? Noooo. Had to have the fancy bindings.)
working left knee
a treadmill or exercise bike
friends living within a mile
some girly bath products
cross country skis
a dog
knitting needles, yarn, and the ability to knit

Or just a snow shovel. That's really all I'm asking for here.

being married, cohabitation, frustrated, baltimore, winter

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