Year in review, chronologically

Jan 01, 2010 14:24

Tyler finished moving in, and was wonderful. I agreed to go to a skating rink on a whim, which turned into setting my heart on playing roller derby and working my ass off. The inauguration and much political joy.

I hate February. Was swamped at work. Didn't drink for a month, found that less rewarding than I hoped. Our hot water went out for a few days. Dave proposed to his crazyface girlfriend, causing some of the worst fights Tyler and I have had, and the realization that I think of him as family and his family as mine in a very real way and a lot of conversations about marriage and what it means. Got my first pair of roller skates. Derby tryouts on valentines day, made the league, started working like I've never worked before, was tired and frustrated. Started hanging out with Jilli.

Went to work, was frustrated. Went to derby, was frustrated and exhausted. Tyler was sweet, but I didn't see him much. Worked out like crazy, started drinking protein shakes. Mom visited. Tyler and I went camping, talked about getting married. It was cold.

My mom and Tyler's dad got their gallbladders out. Started scrimmaging, fell back in love with derby. Tyler was wonderful, we talked more about marriage. I finally flipped out and declared we had to do it or shut up about it.

Tyler proposed! Our apartment got broken into and my computer got stolen. We slept in the living room for a week. My dad and grandfather were really unhappy about the engagement. I gave up on picking a clever derby name. We set a date and started planning the wedding. I spent a lot of time staring at my left hand.

Work was overwhelming. Derby was both overwhelming and rewarding. Tyler was wonderful. Didn't see him enough. Discussions on the internet changed some of my relationships. We sent out wedding invitations and put up a website. My dad didn't answer my calls. My friends were very sweet. I bought a wedding dress.

I made a derby team and played in a bout. It was amazing. Then I realized my rib was broken. We got interns at work, and continued to be overloaded. I started panicking about wedding planning, and Tyler was wonderful and made the panic go away.

My rib hurt. We prepped for the wedding. Yancy visited. It was hot.

Turned 25. Mom visited. Gave up on losing weight. Wedding preparation took over my life.

Wedding. Euphoria. Honeymoon. Legal wedding. More Euphoria. Got laid off. Hung around work waiting for layoff to take effect.

Began unemployment. Went back to derby, discovered just how out of shape a person can get in four months. Looked for jobs. Enjoyed Tyler a lot.

Looked for jobs. Thought about life. Kept trying to get back into derby. Appreciated the bejeezus out of Tyler. Was happy.

Please mister flying spaghetti monster sir, make 2010 a less eventful one.

new year, meme

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