I have not been posting about Derby. This is because I have not been doing Derby.
Frustratingly and embarrassingly, my rib is still bothering me. I keep thinking that after nearly eight weeks it must be better, I must be imagining the lingering problem, but then I go to do something and I am proved wrong. It’s no longer constant pain, or even pain on movement, which is progress. It’s down to only hurting when I put pressure on it or really pull on my upper abs, which is good for everyday life, but not good enough to play a contact sport that puts ribcage in the center of the legal hit zone.
I wish I was playing this coming bout; I feel bad because my team is going to be short on players and I haven't been pushing as hard as possible. [Trash talk about how my team will win anyway redacted here.] I went to a practice two weeks ago. The ribs weren’t ready for derby skating, much less any kind of contact, and it was both frustrating and embarrassing, in addition to painful. Realized just how far back I’ve slipped.
So it starts again. The workouts and the practices and the protein shakes. Even though I’ve been keeping up with lunges and lifting some weights I’m going to be starting, maybe not from where I was in January, but from a much weaker place than I was two months ago. I'm going to the rink tonight with the boy, going to practice and test things out and enjoy being on skates, try to keep the skills from slipping any farther. Hopefully I’ll be back in and ready to go for the October bout, but I’d be surprised if I get much playing time.
I’m looking forward to next season.